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VW 2024 worksheet plantlist adding remarks

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VW 2024 I have a VW worksheet plantlist separate species. I am trying to add in some remarks on the worksheet itself as these are pertinent to just this project and particular plant selection. I highlight the cell and type in the remarks but they are invisible. 

Also while I am here, is it possible to create my own work sheet from an existing VW one. I find the height of the rows do not suit my images and I have to reformat with every new project. Thanks

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To amplify on what Tom says, all data in a Worksheet Database Row has to live somewhere. That somewhere can be a Record.Field combination or as part of some calculation. You can't just type text into a Database cell that is not linked to something to store it.


Databases are dynamic. When you add or subtract objects in the file the order of the objects in the database can change. So you must store the text in a Record.Field so it will be "connected" to the object and display on the proper row of the database as things change.


You can either use the Plant User Fields, or you can create your own Custom Record and use a field in that for your notes.



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  • 6 months later...

Just revisiting this - thank you for the advice however, I don't use the plant database, I use a plant catalogue that I have created myself, because it is easier and I could never find plants that I use in the database. (I am in Australia) So is it the same deal? If so then how do I create a custom record for my worksheet? I want to add remarks to my plant list that are specific for this project. 


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