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Multiple search criteria using & operator

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I am making a simple python script to calculate the number of items added to a list. I have multiple rectangles and nurb curves in the scene. My script is below. According to VS:Search Criteria, multiple search criteria are created using the & operator to chain individual search criteria terms.


However, I got the unsupported & operator error. 


Does anyone know how to perform multiple search criteria with Python script?


Thanks fam!


myList = []

def sel(h):

vs.ForEachObject(sel, "T=RECT" & "T=NURBSCURVE")
vs.AlrtDialog('Number of selected objects: {}'.format(len(myList)))


Screenshot 2024-02-16 085250.png

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I think your criteria are wrong. I am a Vectorscript guy not Python, but I think you need parentheses and not quotes.


Open the VS editor and use the Criteria builder there to generate the criteria you need and then paste it into your script.


I always fight to get the parentheses correct,  but from memory I think you need:


vs.ForEachObject(sel, ((T=RECT) & (T=NURBSCURVE)))


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I am able to make the script run without any error message.... but the output of this code should be 1 not 0. I don't know what I did wrong.


myList = []

def sel(h):

vs.ForEachObject(sel, "(T='NURBSCURVE') & (VSEL=TRUE)")
vs.AlrtDialog('Number of selected objects: {}'.format(len(myList)))


Screenshot 2024-02-16 131022.png

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1) For your first post:

The second parameter for the ForEachObject must be a criteria string.



vs.ForEachObject(sel, "T=RECT" & "T=NURBSCURVE")

should actually be written as:

vs.ForEachObject(sel, '"T=RECT" & "T=NURBSCURVE"')


2) For your most recent post:

why are you using VSEL and SEL? shouldn't just SEL work?



You could place criteria strings in variables:

crit_string_1 = '"T=RECT" & "T=NURBSCURVE"'

so it would be:

vs.ForEachObject(sel, crit_string_1)

and also leveraging pythons f-string capabilities:

type_1 = 'RECT'
type_2 = 'NURBSCURVE'

crit_string_1 = f'"T={type_1}" & "T={type_2}"'


Edited by twk
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@twk I tried your suggestion placing criteria strings in variables. Each method works and produced no error. However, the output is still 0 instead of 1. For this test, I only have 1 Nurbs curve object in the scene and it is selected. The output of this script should be 1 instead of 0. I don't know why I can't get it to produce the correct result.


myList = []

def sel(h):
crit_string_1 = '"SEL=TRUE" & "T=NURBSCURVE"'

vs.ForEachObject(sel, crit_string_1)
vs.AlrtDialog('Number of selected objects: {}'.format(len(myList)))



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