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Understanding "Create Devices From Worksheet" In 24


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Hey All,

Wondering if you could help me understand the "Create Devices from Worksheet" command in VWX 2024? It seems like a really powerful tool that would save us a lot of time if we get it setup. On initial tests it's working great on the first time the command is used, but it's not always recognizing that devices have already been created. Wondering what Vectorworks is checking when it checks if there is already a device present? With a pretty large library of devices we've built would love to know a common thread or way to troubleshoot it?

Also, bonus if there's any way to number things starting at 101 instead of 1. In the worksheet I put "DPB-101" in the device field, and got back DPB-1 through DPB-10 populated.


Happy to DM a file if it's helpful.

Thanks so much,


Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 9.39.43 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 9.39.24 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 9.39.02 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 9.32.55 AM.png

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hello @TLeatherman,


16 hours ago, TLeatherman said:

Wondering what Vectorworks is checking when it checks if there is already a device present?

- We are checking for existing devices in the drawing with this make and model.


16 hours ago, TLeatherman said:

Also, bonus if there's any way to number things starting at 101 instead of 1. In the worksheet I put "DPB-101" in the device field, and got back DPB-1 through DPB-10 populated.

- This is how this currently works. We remove the number suffix and create a new one. Can you create a wishlist item for this?


Best Regards,

Nikolay Zhelyazkov

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