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Hi, last month I downloaded for the first time Vectorworks with a student licence, on my MacBook Air. In the e-mail sent to me it said that my licence will be off on 1st November 2024. That said, I don't know why Vectorworks keeps failing to open any project I worked on this month, even those I crate yesterday afternoon. I really do not understand what it's going on. I already uninstalled and re-installed the program, and it still crashes. So I checked if there was enough space on my computer and there is a lot. 
I read the forum and someone said to delete the 'cineware folder' and I did it, but it keeps failing. I'm so desperate because I need to finish my project in order to graduate. 
Can anyone please help me?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi Kate.

You need to try a repair first.. 


in your applications folder you will find the Vectorworks 2024 folder, inside here is an app called Vectorworks Updater, open this app and click on advanced options, click repair.

Once finished, click  launch.


The current silicon macbook air M1 or M2 will run Vectorworks, they are at the small to medium end of our tech specs, providing you are working on small/medium projects this should work. The M2 should be fine, M1 will be slow.

The previous Intel Macbook Air whilst its ram meets the minimum system requirements the integrated graphics cards do not and Vectorworks is not supported. You may be able to run the app by keeping the settings to low and just working in wire frame but I would not reccomend running Vectorworks on this machine.


Let us know which machine you have,


All the best.

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