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objects by criteria with input port


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i am trying to manipulate this


node. I need an input port (for my Layer name), which is the criteria in the filter.


therefore it would be the best i can use this node


, BUT its output port should not get the handle of the layer. it must output the "name" of the layer to let this get into the "objs by crit"



i need a popup-driven "objs by crit" node 🙂


Can someone do this for me or help me with it?






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  • 1 month later...

if i wanna filter the objects flown through the network with new criterias, it can be VERY powerful. the obj b crit. is analysing all the objects fitting to the criterie.


i need it to filter the objects by criterias ONLY out of a given list of objects in the network which were filtered before completerly different.

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so I wanna have some Objects with DB entry in existing symbols in a seperate layer, without having any other stuff which is not specific db recorded. 


so i thought: 


0. Clear layer2 (>the delete not has no output and the criterie node no input) so it is complicated for me to make both nodes into my existing network which does the following:


1. Filter all symbols here on layer1 "obj b crit" -> [is on layer 1 & is symbol]


2. i need to "symbol into group" them and ungroup it 1 time. so i have not symbols any more but a lot of groups instead of 1 group by the marionette.


3. place them onto an empty layer2. 


until here it works, but it won clear layer2

-> BUT If layer 2 is not empty before i have to delete all the stuff on layer2, BEFORE the symbols are getting groups.



4. duplicate all objects with a specific DB record onto layer3


Then i got all the stuff i need. The problem is, sometimes the db record is on groups (in my symbol, if it is an assembly) or on objects (if it is a single piece).



all other attempts failed here.


at first i tried to copy all the symbols to layer2 it failed because VWX placed all the symbols to the global point 0 so they are not in the location i placed the symbols.

So i tried it in a different way.


If i can use a crit node which is not filtering all the existing parts, i can filter the filtered objects and therefor i think i need such a node 🙂



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Zum Nachdenken.

Nun, eine Marionette mit NC-Bearbeitungen funktioniert im Korpusgenerator nicht. 
Grund, es ist ein Rotes Symbol / intelligentes Objekt.


Wenn wir das Symbol im KG nun dazu bringen würden, sich nach dem einfügen in eine Gruppe aufzulösen… 

… würden die Bohrungen funktionieren. 

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blau / rot Symbol...


Wenn du ein Marionette Objekt as Symbol absicherst, dann ist es rot. Im KG brauchst du ein blaues. 


Ich frage mich, ob der "Objet auflösen Knoten" im KG funktionieren könnte. So würde aus dem roten ein blaues Symbol mit allen Funktionen.

Soweit der Gedanke...


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/7/2023 at 3:31 PM, KingChaos said:



i am trying to manipulate this


node. I need an input port (for my Layer name), which is the criteria in the filter.


therefore it would be the best i can use this node


, BUT its output port should not get the handle of the layer. it must output the "name" of the layer to let this get into the "objs by crit"



i need a popup-driven "objs by crit" node 🙂


Can someone do this for me or help me with it?






Hast Du Dir das hier schon angeschaut?


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