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Section Viewport


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Hi, I use annotations for 3D work and having issues. Create a section Viewport.

If you move the left side of Marker in the viewport the annotations don't move.

If you move the right side of Marker in the viewport the annotations move.

Is there a way to not have this happening.

Often have to move the section line in or out to avoid the final viewport notes then you have to move all the annotations to match the moved section.


Am I missing something can I move the viewport marker in without this happening.

Thanks in advance.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 085722.png

Section Viewport.vwx

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@line-weightHi, So the image is my sheet layer. Open file and go to the design layer and move the right side of the section marker to the right or left. Go back to sheet layer and update the viewpoint. The model location changes so any annotation work you do is all out of place. I want to be able to move the right side of the section line (The end) and not have the model in the sheet layer move. 

If you move the left side (start) of the section marker the model in the sheet layer viewpoint does not move.


Hope this makes sense.


Edited by AlanW
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Ah I see.


Yes I'm familiar with this problem - it's a pain. When you change the length of a defining section line it causes shifts in the location of the model relative to the viewport in sheet layers.


The only way around it is to stop the section line that defines the viewport from being a "defining" one. You have to convert it to a dumb(er) object that is not linked to the resultant viewport any more.



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