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Display calculation report


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As I'm sure most of you also do, I run my load calculations one truss system at a time- as the current BW topology is way too finicky to get an entire show to run without errors. 


How can I export this data in a PDF showing all of my load assumptions, safety factors etc? I don't see a way to 'Create Calculation Report' without it wanting to re-calc the entire drawing. If it was grouped by each calculation iteration and included hoist IDs, it would likely have what I need. 


I'm not a fan of submitting raw VWX files to my venues as a method of submission, but without being able to 'show my work' I'm often forced to. 


Any suggestions?






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On 9/6/2023 at 11:26 AM, Wood said:

 I don't see a way to 'Create Calculation Report' without it wanting to re-calc the entire drawing. If it was grouped by each calculation iteration and included hoist IDs, it would likely have what I need. 


You can easily "Calculate Selected"  which only calculates the items that are highlighted. 


Or, you can move the items you want to calculate into its own layer, then calculate Visible Objects only.


Do this after you've performed the individual truss calculations to confirm everything is working.

Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 11.17.51.png

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