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Found 5 results

  1. I am a novice with 3D printing but have already wasted much time and printed many useful (and even more useless) things! Question: Can anyone tell me whether there is a resolution difference between exporting Vectorworks to STL as solids rather than converting to a mesh first? I am currently printing a Sennheiser microphone housing (c1960) which has many curves and am less than happy with the results so far. When sending to the slicer I tried converting the model to a mesh, but on screen the curves seemed to have lost the smoothness that they had as a VW model so I created the STL directly from the model, ie: skipping the "Convert to Mesh" stage... There is a "Quality" option when exporting to STL, but presumably "Convert to Mesh" defaults to the best resolution it can get!?!
  2. I am trying to show the visual effects of a proposed carpark and visitor facility. I have imported a textured .obj survey file in the form of a mesh (see attached file) and I need to insert the site model for the new carpark into this while keeping the terrain and textures of the surrounding area intact. I find when I try to edit/cut a hole in the mesh to create a space for the new carpark, the texture disappears. Is there a way to 'bake' the texture onto the 3d polygons within the mesh? or can the mesh be converted into another form that allows me to do this? Thanks, Steve
  3. Hi all, 3dwarehouse is a goto spot for lots of symbols. I'm able to import great 3D Meshes - but I want to create flat 2D versions for hybrid symbols. I try all the "convert" commands - but nothing is quick. Does anyone have a good workflow for this? Thanks! Ethan
  4. Hi all I like the attached symbol which I downloaded from the VSS library - but it is killing my drawing (I have about 400 chairs). Just opening a dialogue box causes them to redraw. Any tips on optimising it? I noticed the feet are a Mesh - each at 7,500 polys (so 30,000 all together) - guess that's not good! What about the generic solid? Are they "expensive" Any way of knowing? As it came from the VSS library, I assumed it would be VWX friendly..... Andrew Chair_Symbol.vwx
  5. I'd like a Smooth Site option for the Site Model. This would do away with the need to Drape Surface onto an existing site model to get the desired effect. The new Smooth Site would interact predictably all the usual Site Modifiers & settings. Ideally the mesh density would auto-adjust to allow for retention of hard-edged features while reducing the overall vertex count. It would be important to retain existing Texture Mapping of Drape Surfaces.
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