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Found 7 results

  1. Since this answer seems to require posting several times a week, it would be helpful if a Forum Administrator were to create a ‘pinned’ forum topic in the Troubleshooting Forum about Far Away Objects from Internal Origin, and why and how to troubleshoot them. Thanks.
  2. Hi All, We need to align our landscape model with the architect's model and engineer's. Our model is aligned to true north - theirs to orthogonal on the x/y axis of the software. I can position our model in the correct location (very near Internal Origin) while retaining true Northing and Easting readouts by setting the User Origin where it needs to be relative to the Internal Origin. Problem arises where I need to rotate our model to align with theirs. User Origin coordinates do not rotate with the model obviously. Is there a way to not only move User Origin to maintain true project coordinates but also rotate User Origin to compensate for our model rotating to match theirs? Thanks Jack
  3. The 000 point is not universally snappable (now there is a great word). Should it be? I often need it. Seems pretty accessible in TopPlan. But … Access any 3d tool and drawing switches to Top, causing the crosshairs vanish. The 2d crosshairs show a smart cursor hint, but do not cause acquisition of a lingering snap point with red box. I often wish I could acquire 000 as a snap point with associated extension lines. One workaround is to place a 3d Locus at 000 and assign it to the Guide class, maybe even Lock it there. Is this really necessary??? Also, there used to a vwx pref for Snap To Internal Origin. V2022 seems to have hidden that pref. I searched in snaps and vwx prefs. Must be elsewhere. -B
  4. Hey all, This may be a weird one and I hope I can explain it well. I've attached a drawing of the theatre I'm working on with an "X" where I'd like the internal origin to be and where I'd like the drawing to center to when I tell it to center on the internal origin. As far as I can tell, the drawing centers to the internal origin at the center of the drawing itself, not to a random point, but I could also be wrong. I've spent too many hours trying to find an answer, and I have tried setting a user origin where I'd like it and telling the User and the internal to be the same, but it didn't seem to work. I've tried just manually putting it where I want it, but that hasn't proven to be exact enough for my boss. Basically, if there's anything to be done to set the drawing to center on the internal origin any point that doesn't seem to be the center of the drawing that would be awesome, and I hope this all made sense. Thank you all, you're all amazing and I hope to one day have the level of VW skill the rest of you do!
  5. Hello everyone, I want to use the flyover tool to see my building from all angles as I develop the design. The trouble is, the building is 50m away from the internal origin, which seems to be the centre point that the flyover tool rotates around. I though it would be possible to move the centre point of the rotation for the flyover tool without affecting the user or internal origins, but I can't find how. I have moved the user origin onto the building but it didn't move the flyover centre point. So from this I deduce the flyover centre point is fixed to the internal origin. Please let me know how to centre the flyover tool without moving all the elements manually to the internal origin. Thanks Justin Sorry everyone - I have answered my own question! The flyover tool appears to centre on an average position at the centre of elements in the drawing. So if you are working towards the edge of all your elements, which are for example 50m wide, place a sacrifial element 50m further away. It will then centre the flyover tool over the area you are trying to edit and will scroll around that point. You might need to move your new element around a bit to make the flyover tool be precisely where you want it, but at least this will stop it from shooting off the screen. You can then delete your sacrificial element once you have completed editing.
  6. Hi, wondering if anyone has any advice -- Sorry for the cross post; I was in the wrong topic area before. I have a plugin that includes a control point that is draggable, but which also exposes one of its coordinate input fields in the OIP to allow the user to type a precise value. When the user origin has been dragged, typed values in this field get offset in ways that lead to "incorrect" values, but dragging the control point behaves as if the current User Origin is the Internal Origin. I imagine I could use GetOrigin() to find the offset and fix this behavior, but how do I detect whether the parameter changed from a drag operation (in which case I should leave it alone) or a typed value in the OIP (in which case I need to fix it)? Or is there a way to get Control Points to only look at the user origin? (the documentation on plugin parameters would suggest not) thanks
  7. Often it would be very useful to know an object's Z coordinate relative to the internal (global) origin in addition to the layer Z coordinate. For our architectural projects we place our site model DTM on the internal origin, so that Z coordinates on the DTM correspond to surveyed elevations. However, when working on other design layers whose layer elevations are set according to the elevations of, say, the respective subfloor, it becomes quite cumbersome to check the global Z coordinate (i.e. surveyed elevation) of any given 3D object. The addition of a 'global Z' or 'internal Z' coordinate field to the OIP would solve this handily.
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