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Found 8 results

  1. There are plenty topics and posts on irrigation matter on this forum, but some of those remain with completely no answer for years. I think some of us, as I suppose: @jeff prince, @JohnnyGreen, @Thom, @Jeremy Best, @hollister design Studio, @ericjhberg, @Luke Gilmer, @bob cleaver, and other who are no that much involved in irrigation discussions on this forum would like to know is there any roadmap for irrigation tool development ? and if there is one what would it be? We do have plenty of ideas how to make this powerful tool way more powerful, maybe it's time to talk about closer cooperation between irrigation specialist and Vectorworks irrigation tool developers? What do think about this @bgoff, @Vlado?
  2. Can we please get the ability to drag and reorder these data fields on the project data and sheet data fields without deleting and recreating.
  3. Hi VWs Please can we add another parameter to the lintel tool on windows [and I assume doors] so that we can draw soldier and header courses above windows/doors more easily? We want to be able to draw a soldier course above a window [similar to attached photo] that doesn't extend past the reveal but this option is missing from the OIP. Surely it would be relatively easy to add this as per my sketch? We could then apply a different texture or surface hatch to the lintel to create the desired effect. While we're at it, please could we add an pressed aluminium sill to the sill options for windows as this is something we use quite a bit in the UK. Thanks in advance!
  4. In the distance field there really should be an option to use center-center and/or insertion point-insertion point. For table layouts back leg to front leg and front leg to front leg are completely arbitrary.
  5. I'd like to propose that when you toggle the double purchase (sidebar, I've always heard this as called double reeved when referring to motors, and double-purchase for fly rail systems, maybe it's a US thing?) option in the hoist tool the diagramed changes happen. Basically: When the toggle is ON: The max allowable weight of the the selected hoist doubles from it it's default capacity The speed in feet per minute is halved (though this is't a big deal, but it might be useful) The total chain length get's doubled from it's default or current value. When the toggle is OFF: The max allowable weight returns to the defined max of the selected symbol. The speed in feet per minuted is doubled (once again, not a big deal) The total chain length get halved from it's current value. After inserting a bunch of 1/4T's that are double reeved (double purchased) for a ballroom show, I have to update them all the time to have their max allowable weight be 1000#'s. I've found every time I insert one it resets to the default max of 500#. Option + Dragging won't work half the time cause the motor won't attach to positions when I do it that way. The eye dropper tool also dosen't seem to want to grab the max weight as part of the plugin parameters. The tool WILL however remember the double purchase toggle, so It would be great if it could adjust the base values accordingly with it on. After all this is how motors generally work in the real world. It would make the tool more useable especially in conjunction with Braceworks. I am open to further thoughts/discussion. Just some observations of the tool use while diving face first into Braceworks.
  6. It would be great if the Soft Goods Tool Set could calculate the total weight value of the drape based on a standard of measurement for drape/fabric. For example Rose Brand shows their weights as lbs or oz per linear yard (US) obviously it should also work similarly with meters. It would be wonderful if the tool could take information such as that and convert it to the proper total weight/lbs per foot. Based on the total square footage of drape. Currently I have to take the ((L X W) / 13.5) x lbs per linear yard to obtain the total weight and update the field anytime a drape adjustment get's made. EDITED TO ADD: The 13.5 comes from dividing the width (in inches) of the spec Rose Brand fabric (54"). So (54 / 12) * 3 = sq feet per linear yard. If the spec fabric on which the weight is based is a different size. Say 60", it would be (60 /12) * 3 = 15. So 15 would replace 13.5 in the above equation.
  7. One of my longest standing wishlist items that I am only now posting to the forum has to deal with snapping tangents from an object to a curved/arced object. Be it a circle, arc, arc-polyline, the tangent snap point does not work when drawing an arc or polyline to that feature. To better illustrate the problem I put together a short screenshot video. I have also linked another thread because of it's relevance to the situation
  8. Would it be possible to have the text field in the New Class and Layers box offer auto-complete suggestions? So in the Classes the box could offer class family names already in the file and in layers would offer storey prefixes. Also could offer class names from a set of standard as well.
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