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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, I have an issue which I illustrated below. I would be pleased if you could give me a hand on this one.
  2. With the introduction of Schematic Views, utilizing CPMV and DLVPs as means to communicate details in a 3D and 2D environment have become obsolete. This is a pretty big bummer as that's really the best way to efficiently create vertical lighting positions. Users who have updated to and adopted 2020 really have no recourse. Yes, DLVPs still function as means of getting the 3D representation of the position into its proper location. However, the fixtures will not point accurately at any focus point they have been assigned, regardless of manipulating the rotation along its cardinal axis'. That ability has been removed from the software as a means to further support the MVR functionality. I understand thats its work in progress, as with most new features of VW, but this really needs to take priority over any introduction of a new features in future releases or service pack updates until the functionality of this feature has been ironed out. So, I'm asking for Vectorworks to reinstate the full functionality DLVPs until the Schematic View workflow is improved and truly is a valid replacement. I've been beating my head against this for about a week and came up with a small wishlist of features for Schematic Views that I feel would greatly improve the workflow: - Allow 2D label legends to translate to the Schematic View. - Allow user the option to create a "backwards" Schematic View by drawing elements in a 2D form first and then create the Schematic View. Ideally, the result would be a "2D/3D symbol" that would be a footprint of the position in Top/Plan View and would show actual geometry when viewed in any of the 3D views. - Navigate away from using Hidden Line rendering to create the Schematic View. This utilizes GPU resources over CPU and can lead to longer, more taxing manipulation of the model. Many thanks to those involved.
  3. Just got off the phone with tech support but no good solution. My working theory is that this is SP3 related as it just started happening and am reverting to SP2 to confirm, and maybe get some work done. Anyone else seen this?? My current major project has a master file with 6 linked vwx files The linked files are fairly simple DWG imports in the classic shuttle file method for working with AutoCAD users. These files have been moving around between closing the master file and reopening it. Not every time, and they don't all move together or even the same distance or direction. Oddly enough if a DLVP has a crop, the crop element stays but shows a different part of the source file. All DLVPs have "lock position" checked and are also Locked objects. Recreating the link doesn't help. One linked file is 2 months old most are a couple of weeks old and the issue is a few days old. To make matters worse my work is moving as well. Everything (except the linked files) stays together. That includes the crops to the files mentioned, locked items, and even the layer print page. There isn't any trouble with sheet layers. The last time it happened links on a 2nd design layer did not move (most are on a single layer.) Layers without DLVPs are fine.
  4. Morning all! I'm having some issue with a design layer viewport being cut off when I engage the 3D flyover tool. I've attached (2) screen grabs showing two different 3d views, and the point where my views are cut off. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Good Day, 1) When creating a section viewport of a DLVP the objects not inside a symbol do not 'cut' and render with the selected 2D attributes. See the attached VW file and PDF. 2) When making changes to the layer with the objects, the changes are not reflected when updating the section VP unless you toggle on and off layers. DLVP Section Rendering Bug.vwx DLVP Section Rendering Bug.pdf
  6. Now that VW supports multiple views / windows / open files at once it would be nice to have a way to force referenced design-layer view ports to update in real- or near-real-time. As it is now, when I make a change in referenced file (say, moving the height of a fence panel,) in order to see the change in the other file with the DLVP in it, in the main file I have to do: Tools --> Organization..., then select the "References" tab, then select the referenced file, then click "Update", after which the changes propagate from the master file to the DLVP. It'd be nice to have a check-box in a DLVP for "Auto-update this viewport whenever the referenced design layer changes." Is there any work around for this? Editing the workspace doesn't work as it doesn't allow for auto-navigation within the "Organization..." modal dialog box, nor for assigning a shortcut to the "Update" button in that dialog box. EDIT: this should be posted in General -- moderators, please consider moving it. Thanks.
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