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Found 7 results

  1. I have just released a plugin to create catenary curves. From Wikipedia: Catenary is the curve that an idealized hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends in a uniform gravitational field. It is essentially a "line object" plugin: click and drag to get the initial couple of end points on the XY plane. Customizable parameters: Independent Z for both ends. Direction [downward (chain) or upward(arch)]. By length or by sag methods: you can establish the length of the chain or the chain lowest (or highest) point. Buttons to extract a 3D polygon or a 2D polygon out of the PIO. More info on my site page: Catenary Curve for Vectorworks®
  2. Hi All, This ones been bugging me for years and I'm sure its very simple, but never worked it out. How do I edit handles for an existing curve? i.e. see screenshots attached, the handles only appear when the point is selected, so I can't select them. Thanks, A
  3. Hello everybody, please excuse if this has been posted before, I've been searching for it but didn't find anybody to have the same issue. I'm working on a massive map, which i need to export to illustrator in order to continue working. The document is fairly big with 2000*600mm on 1:5000. My issue is that, when i export it to pdf, all the lines become kind of wobbly, straight lines have dozens of curves and appear thicker than normal. The document itself is a mess, i've got it from a colleague, originally it was an illustrator document, but due to the massive size i had to convert it to dxf and edit in in vectorworks. Now i reduced the number of objects, but can't get it back to illustrator, when i export the document to dwg, illustrator wont open it (unknown format, despite me hitting "open dwg" and selecting the .dwg document) I hope i could express myself in a clear way, if anybody could help me, i'd be really happy. Attached you'll find before and after screenshots of the issue. Thank you very much for your efforts and have a great day! kmdf
  4. Hi, can someone help me to design a spiral chair in elevation? I can't get my head drawing the attached chair. I have used NURBS curve but not sure if this the right approach. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hello everyone, I need to create a curved curtain wall with curved elements. At first I tried with the surface array tool, but it generate some non-curved elements. Same way with curtain wall tool. I know that theoretically I can manage it with a simple 3D model, but I need to know if it is really the only way. Specifically I need to create a portion of curved wall with few duplication Muratura_vetro_curva.vwx
  6. Hi, Everyone. I'm struggling to create a certain shape that I need for a furniture design I'm working on. Easiest way to explain is via the attached screenshot. I'm trying to create a subtle curved taper using the "brickmold" wood pieces but not sure how to go about this. Is it possible to form a straight column, compose or group it, then shave the sides to create the curved taper form? I might not be wording this correctly but I think the screenshot should be self explanatory. Any thoughts or comments will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Hello all, I am currently working on a house and have come across a problem that I can't solve. I am looking to create a sloped roof that sits flush to the story below. I Have managed to create the slope however the problem is the corners of the roof stick out and are not flush (pictures 1 & 2 below). I am aiming to achieve a result like this (illustrations 3 & 4 below). I achieved the result I have at the moment by; - lofting between 2 poly lines - create a cut-out of the roof - subtracting solids Any help would be much appreciated Regards, Felix
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