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Walter Rojas

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Everything posted by Walter Rojas

  1. There is this set of three Marionette nodes to install numpy, spicy and pillow packages. Good luck. import numpy scipy pillow.vwx
  2. This the kind of troubles with VW which solution is a dirty or messy 'workaround'. I did this inside a Python script: Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib('numpy', 'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e8/bd/937ffc7345985456c963089418c4c7efdb2ca3af36624c5ea60a07d99bcf/numpy-1.25.0-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl') To get the url of SciPy you have to go to: https://pypi.org/project/scipy/#files On a MacBook Pro with Ventura running on a M1 chip, installation succeed but then I got and import error: IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THIS FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE! Importing the numpy C-extensions failed. This error can happen for many reasons, often due to issues with your setup or how NumPy was installed. We have compiled some common reasons and troubleshooting tips at: https://numpy.org/devdocs/user/troubleshooting-importerror.html Please note and check the following: The Python version is: Python3.9 from "/Applications/Vectorworks 2023/Vectorworks 2023.app/Contents/MacOS/Vectorworks" The NumPy version is: "1.25.0" and make sure that they are the versions you expect. Please carefully study the documentation linked above for further help. I checked the Python and NumPy versions and are OK.
  3. Finally works (I didn't set booleans), Python version (sorry). import vs from solido import Solido from panel import Panel class PanelRidges(Panel): def obj_vw(self): an_el = self.ancho / self.num_el al_el = self.alto esp_el = self.espesor div = 2 # This loop creates extruded ractangles and # add them to have one solid for i in range(0, self.num_el, 2): s1 = Solido.fabrica_solido(an_el, esp_el, al_el, an_el * (i + 1), 0) s2 = Solido.fabrica_solido(an_el, esp_el / div, al_el, an_el * (i + 2), 0) r, s_act = vs.AddSolid(s1.h, s2.h) if i == 0: panel = Solido.fabrica_solido(an_el, esp_el / div, al_el, i, 0) panel = panel.h r, panel = vs.AddSolid(panel, s_act) # I was getting the obj reference # after rotating it, there I had # 'Bad input' (20) vs.SetRot3D(panel, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0, 0) self.hueco = self.hueco_vw(300, 400, 550) # If I use the solid reference before # rotate it everything goes fine r, panel = vs.SubtractSolid(panel, self.hueco) return panel # This method creates the geometry of # the hole def hueco_vw(self, an, al, esp): vs.DSelectAll() vs.BeginXtrd(0, esp) vs.RectangleN(-an / 2, -al / 2, 1, 0, an, al) r = vs.LNewObj() vs.EndXtrd() exh = vs.LNewObj() return exh
  4. Almost exactly the same thing here but I cannot even set boolean var to 1160, I have an error 'operation not allowed with this kind of object' or something (is in spanish). I have the fatal 20 error trying to use vs.SubtractSolid() with an extrusion and a solid.
  5. So helpful tip, thanks zoomer. Seems that VW tech guys do not know neither, thank you in their behalf.
  6. Hi Juan, I followed your instructions but I have the same pop window saying 'Vectoworks está actualizado'. In 'About Vectorworks' window I have: Versión de aplicación: 2023 SP1 (Build 672648) (64 bit) Thank you.
  7. From the users and customers (like me) point of view this hard work and interest from you, sadly, is not making any difference. VW2023 has a lot of bugs and Spanish users (by the way, localization is absolutely negligent) haven't any news about fixes or SP4 releases. We still fighting with windows that loses their depth relation when user switch from VW to another app, among many others bugs. Did we pay good money for a deficient and low quality product?
  8. I made a parametric object that inserted in a wall that has window holes, my problem is to make holes to the symbol where the wall's holes are. How can I make them?
  9. Zen advice: To live with no expectations. Thanks for your patience.
  10. Routinely I import (level 1) a py module (level 2) that, in turn, imports another module (level 3). I've been making changes for weeks to the level 3 module and those were reflected in VW until now. Suddenly VW2023 stopped to detect changes to the level 3 module; I tried to fix resetting script's paths with no success. The solution was to use the importlib module in the level 2 script to force the reloading of the level 3 module: import utilerias import importlib import utilerias importlib.reload(utilerias) Hope it helps.
  11. The path to Marionette.vwr, container of Marionette.py in which in turn resides the definition of VerifyOrGetLib(), in Vectorworks 2023 (VW2023) for Mac is: /Applications/Vectorworks 2023/Plug-Ins/Marionette.vwlibrary/Contents/Resources/Marionette.vwr
  12. The Function Reference in the website indicates in its example: AddSymToWall(h,3',0',FALSE,FALSE,'Door-1'); Most be something like: AddSymToWallEdge(h,3',0',FALSE,FALSE,'Door-1',1); The link's URL: https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VS:AddSymToWallEdge
  13. Quite annoying indeed, I'm taking a course online for example and every single time I go to the browser and go back to VW I have to deal with this. This happens with some other stacked windows, like the one that ask for a folder location for a new Style. Grabación de pantalla 2023-03-04 a la(s) 18.32.09.mp4
  14. When I switch from VW2023 app to another in MacOS Ventura and the Wall Edit Container Style window or Slab Edit Container Style window are open with their correspondent Edit Component Open too, an erratic Z window swap occurs, leaving the frontmost window and its focus behind. 71154277_Grabaciondepantalla2023-03-03ala(s)18_06_15.mp4
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