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  1. Great, thanks for the help. Grabbed a node from Sarah and that did the trick.
  2. Hi all, Numpy_2021.pdf I'm trying to install numpy in Vectorworks 2021 with no success - I've updated the install nodes from @DomC with the 3.8 version of numpy (see attached), and tried renaming External Packages to ExternalPackages. Don't quite understand the bit about PIP incompatibility - any help appreciated! Thanks, Naomi
  3. Hi all, Ran into a snag with the vs.GetLayer(h) command in marionette. Instead of returning a handle to the layer of the object, it returns a handle to the current layer in the document. What am I missing? Do I need to regenerate the object/something along those lines? I've attached a script with a modified Get Layer node that returns the name of the layer rather than the handle (just so it's easier to see what you're getting back). Any help appreciated! Thanks, Naomi Get Layer.vwx
  4. Aha, didn't know there were different ways to grab the handle for the created text. The node would run once but crash on the second time for some reason with (a,b) = vs.TrueTypeToPoly(vs.FSActLayer()). Did some playing, this combination seems to be the winner: text = vs.CreateText('hello') (a,b) = vs.TrueTypeToPoly(vs.LNewObj() ) self.Params.out.value = b Thanks! Naomi
  5. Hi all, Coding question for those who write their own nodes. Every time I try to run a node with the (a,b) = vs.TrueTypeToPoly(text) the program crashes - has anyone run into this/has any suggestions? I've attached a simple sample node that creates text and then uses the above command to turn it into poly lines. It doesn't crash if I don't try to assign the output to the tuple (a,b), but also doesn't convert the text. Thanks, Naomi text test.vwx
  6. Hi Dom, Thanks for the script! I've modified it for my needs (see attached file) but don't understand where you're pulling your record from. You've set the Record Name to be Space, and the record field names to be Name, 11_Number, and 11_Space Name Cust. Is the Space record internal to Vectorworks? How do I find its corresponding record field names? Thanks! Create spaces.vwx
  7. Thanks Sarah! Got everything to work.
  8. Hi all, I'm unable to set the elevation of a story - when I create multiple stories the elevation is by default set to increments of 9'. I've attached a file with the test node that shows the script I'm using - any input appreciated! Initialize Story.vwx
  9. Hi all, Quick question about the matrix rotation node - it works fine if I specify rotation around the z access, but doesn't work when I try to rotate objects out of the x-y plane (i.e. when I set the input vector to (1,0,0)). What am I missing? See attached file. Thanks! Matrix Rotation.vwx
  10. Nomi

    Image sampler?

    Perfect - running smoothly. Thanks for your help!
  11. Nomi

    Image sampler?

    Oops, here is the attached error:
  12. Nomi

    Image sampler?

    Hi Marissa, Thanks! Your script that extrudes rectangles works a charm. When I run the second one I encounter the error shown in the photo below - any thoughts? I can go ahead and rewrite a similar script based on your initial one, but figured I'd see if there's an easy fix!
  13. Nomi

    Image sampler?

    Hi all, Does Marionette have something similar to the image sampler in Grasshopper (for reference https://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/image-sampler-8). Thanks! Naomi
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