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Everything posted by milezee

  1. @JuanP hi Juan, have just filled in feedback form on VW Uni site, am interested in Space Tools, Room Finish worksheets, etc etc, are there any tutorials out there with an in depth look at how they are used in real world situations ? interested to utilise the Space Tools for Interior Design projects ?
  2. my understanding is that the main goal now is to 'control' what is inevitably going to happen, and that's lots of people will get this virus, resources will be stretched, and restricting the movement of people will help ease the strain on the resources needed to help/save those who become really poorly
  3. just looking at the new promo vid on YouTube, at 1:00 min in there looks like an app on a tablet called 'Presenter' where you can show clients different views and scenes etc, is this available to download in the App Store ?? I can't seem to find it or any information about it πŸ€”πŸ€” (link below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qtVcZgbrl4
  4. there's no direct link to Vectorworks 😩 , but on another note there is a direct link with Rhino 😁 c'mon VW's people , get a deal done with these guys πŸ‘
  5. @chaz I didn't get an email, but when I opened the Epic Games launcher I got a pop up window with an an invite to install 2020 as an early adopter , might have to uninstall and start again as its not loading correctly πŸ˜” ah, I forgot to click 'verify' seems to load up fine now πŸ‘
  6. is it just the Trial version can use ? have installed the other 2020version and it doesn't load correctly ?
  7. wow, they're letting us as early adopters download the initial 2020 version free, happy dayz πŸ˜πŸ‘
  8. I'm not familiar with VCarve, are you exporting your geometry as DXF/DWG ?
  9. @bcd @EAlexander results of playing around, I like it, but really would be nice to do this in a one stop image effect action 😁
  10. I've got a Disto laser measure, with bluetooth, there's an app you use on your iPad with it, ok for basic room perimeters, door locations etc The VW Nomad app both for room measure, and displaying 3D models really needs some love from the developers, it's not quite there yet imo
  11. @bcd thanks for chipping in, yeh that kinda gets something like πŸ‘, hopefully VW may add an image effect to achieve something similar a little more efficiently 😁
  12. Hello Forum, quick question, is it possible to have a view which is a blended view of Render/Hidden Line ? example screenshot attached, tia
  13. @David J hth Little Melton Rev B dwg-dwg.zip
  14. @gardendesign8 1 left, it is a VW2020 Architect license, with renderworks & fundamentals
  15. @PhilDon yep every demon has its day. I have a dislike for Autodesk and their subscription model, once they suck you in its difficult to move away. There was a plugin developed for Rhino, called T-Splines, it was very popular with the class A surface modellers, Autodesk dangled the developers a huge cash carrot, guess what happened, Autodesk killed the plugin and software, took the tech they needed, and implemented it into their own software, many users left high and dry (It didn't affect me, but it enhanced my dislike for their big corporate long arm crushing what they saw as a threat) 🀣
  16. @PhilDon most 3D designers, architects and the like don't really use Adobes advanced tools like photographers, video editors, content creators, graphic designers etc do. The Affinity products are more than capable for most designers, and at Β£48.99 a license they are worthy pieces of software
  17. @PhilDon the Adobe subscription service is a massive waste of money for a lot of small businesses, have you looked at Affinity products ? Great pieces of software for a fraction of the cost, no subscription, you buy, you own, with great functionality πŸ‘
  18. @zoomer maybe in March we will see a release πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  19. @zoomer but lets not forget that Twinmotion is free πŸ€£πŸ‘Œ
  20. @PhilDon AutoCad sucks, πŸ˜‚, agreed πŸ‘ , as for using AI for 2d drafting, why ? You can do everything you need, both 3D perspectives and 2D technical drawings in VW, I also use Rhino3d and do exactly the same in that software too, no need to go backwards and forwards between softwares. Yes for higher end renders you may want to go into another package, but you can do some really good design work just inside VW.
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