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    Washington, DC
  1. Here is a link with information on the ATI card. http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Apple/6615718/ I've talked with them, and they say it works with most Mac Pro's, but you do need to be using OS X v10.6.4 or later. I was planning on updating the operating system anyway, so that would not be a problem for me. I'd appreciate any other feedback!
  2. I'd like to upgrade the video card on my older Mac Pro- it is one of the early Intel models. Model Identifier: MacPro1,1 Processor Name: Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz The original video card is a NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT with 256 MB VRAM. I could replace it with either a ATI Radeon HD 5770 for $260 or a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 for about $650. Are these both compatible with Vectorworks 2011? If so, does anyone have any suggestions? The lower price of the ATI card is appealing! I recently upgraded from Vectorworks 2008 to 2011, and zooming is no longer smooth on my older computer.
  3. I often use the 0 line weight to draw polygons that contain hatch patters. Its useful for me.
  4. Thank you for the input!
  5. We are having problems with a 2.66 GHz Mac Pro in our office. It will need to be sent out to be repaired. We have an old 1.25 GHz G4 Power Mac with 1 or 2 GB of RAM (its not set up so I can't check). Does anyone know if we run VW 2008 on this machine temporarily until the Mac Pro is repaired? It would be used only for 2D drafting - not for modeling. I'd hate to buy a new computer to use for a week or two while the Mac Pro is being repaired!
  6. MAC OS 10.4 comes with drivers for the HP 488CA. The printer works much better with the apple supplied GIMP drivers than the very poor HP drivers the printer originally shipped with. I have not had any trouble using the 488CA to print black and white and grayscale drawings. I've never used it for color.
  7. You could set the document preferences to "black and white Only." File/Document Settings/Document Prefences
  8. If you select the arcs and then use the "Convert to Polygons" command the arcs will be converted to polygons. Does this accomplish what you need?
  9. I have set the permissions in the Vectorworks folder, the Plug-ins folder and the Dictionaries Folder to Read and Write, but the spell check still does not "learn" words. Tee UserDictionary.txt file is empty before and after I run a spell check. The modification date and time changes to the last time a spell check was run, but there the file remains empty. Words that I tag as "Learn" seem to work while the spell check is run, but they are not "remembered" on the next spell check. I apologize if this description is unclear. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  10. Dear Katie: Thank you for your prompt reply. I don't believe there are any special permissions for my user account. I have looked for the VW dictionary file as well as a user's custom dictionary file, but have not been able to find it. Can you point me in the right direction to find these files so I can check the permissions? Thank you for your help.
  11. The "Learn" feature of the spell check dictionary does not work on any of our computers. When I initiate a spell check, all works well- except that the dictionary does not "remember" the word when I click the 'Learn" button. This has been a problem for several years, on a number of different Mac computers. MAC OS10.4.8 VW 12.5.1 Architect w/ Renderworks
  12. If you have Adobe Acrobat you can use the "Reduce File Size" command. I use this all the time with pdf files containing photos. It should significantly reduce the file size.
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