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Everything posted by michaelk

  1. It failed on both one computer with SP1 and two computers with SP4. michaelk
  2. Is this a bug or operator error? In Settings>General>Custom Sash Options... I change the hinge to open the left sash from the right side ... Bad things happen. Thanks! michaelk
  3. Bruce - Brandon is talking about shutters on ellipsoidal lighting fixtures. Not shutters on windows. It's a Spotlight thing. Brandon - When I use shutters, they only render with Fast Quality w/ Shadows, Final Quality Renderworks, and Custom Renderworks (with the right settings). But don't you want the shutters to cast shadows? michaelk
  4. You're talking about the regular light objects, not the Spotlight lights that REB is asking about. Good point. Should be on the wish list. michaelk
  5. What render mode are you using? michaelk
  6. SP1 Updating fixed it. Thanks for your help, Mike. michaelk
  7. Weird. It's the exact same file... Is there a setting that could explain it? michaelk
  8. Now I'm really confused... I just downloaded the file I posted and I STILL get the craters... michaelk
  9. Here is a link to the DTM: http://web.me.com/smallgroup/sg/Mystery_Craters.html It is just over the 5mb limit to post here. Thanks in advance, everyone... michaelk
  10. 2A. Actually 3 parts to casting a shadow: #3. Some geometry for the shadow to fall on. michaelk
  11. 1. If you have more than a couple lights to deal with, the Visualization Palette is definitely faster. (The trick is to make sure every instrument has a Channel # and/or Purpose - otherwise you can't tell what's what.) But in the regular OIP you can still enter the gel color, height, and focus point. If you want to get straight to the "light on" button, you can right click on an instrument and select "Edit Light..." This will open up a window that controls the light source built into the symbol. 2. There are two parts to casting shadows. The light has to cast a shadow and the object casting the shadow can't have a texture that doesn't cast shadows (like Spotlight Instrument Symbols). That may be what you are seeing. And I don't think a regular light object will take a Rosco or Lee color number... Pretty sure that's a Spotlight only thing... hth michaelk
  12. Some of those functions are now on the Visualization Palette (which has it's plusses and minuses). I agree that it would be helpful to have Light on/off and Lit Fog on/off on the instrument OIP. michaelk
  13. I'm continuing to have craters that are only in the proposed view of the DTM and outside the fence. I've double checked, made new DTMs from scratch - I'm pretty sure I don't have any stray geometry hanging out. And it doesn't show up in the existing view of the DTM. Only the proposed. Any ideas??? thanks michaelk
  14. I'm using a 2 year old MBP w/ 2G of memory. I had zoom issues at first w/ 2009, but that script that was posted fixed it. I don't see any of the symptoms you describe. Good luck michaelk
  15. You could either reference them in through design layer viewports or Set layer visibility to Active Only on the new drawing > Select All > Copy. in your drawing go to the layer you want > Past in Place. hth michaelk
  16. No. the fence is converted from a polygon. The segments make up a little concave area where are the craters are. michaelk
  17. Turns out there are no stray objects at z=0 or anywhere else. The craters only appear in the proposed views. They are outside the fence, in an area that is in a concave cove or bay of the fence. Any other ideas? Thanks michaelk
  18. Thanks, I'll go digging for stray geometry. If I find anything, is it possible to remove it from an existing DTM? michaelk
  19. Looking for more DTM wisdom. The giant triangular impact craters are outside my fence. What happened? thanks michaelk
  20. Is there an autocad standard for to line weight? Or does every office make up their own? thanks michaelk
  21. Again, I have no idea why this works. But all you need to do is add a little bend at one end of the leg or back support. It works. Don't know why. hth michaelk
  22. I don't know why this works, but it does. Add a vertex to the legs. It seems go off the deep end when you render a colinear 3D poly in hidden line with a smoothing angle. But as soon as the leg is non-colinear, it works fine. Maybe somebody out there will know why. hth michaelk
  23. Carl I don't think you need to set a background. VW creates the background (Background-1) the first time Lit Fog is selected on any Spotlight instrument. You can edit the fog by editing the Background resource. But I don't know of any easy way to have some instruments use different fog backgrounds in the same drawing. michaelk
  24. I should probably have also said this: The button you are selecting - Draw Beam - is only showing the field angle and the beam angle (in the case of ellipsoidals) of the light. It's very helpful for calculations, but not for rendering. michaelk
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