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Robert Anderson

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Robert Anderson

  1. Hunter, you should call Tech support. This sounds like it could be a system problem, and the TS folk are best at diagnosing this. Which commands or tools are giving you problems, specifically?
  2. Make sure that you have two worksheets created. You'll need to have, in the Resource Browser, a separate worksheet for each of your plant lists.
  3. When you create a symbol, you have the option of placing it in the ~2D_PSyms or ~3D_PSyms folder if they already exist. If you're importing symbols, bring them in, then right-click on each symbol and move it to the ~2D_PSyms or ~3D_PSyms folder using the "move" contextual command.
  4. This is certainly possible, but it requires some advanced knowledge of creating VectorWorks database worksheets. The information is not in the VectorWorks LandMark manual, but in the VectorWorks reference manual. Basically, the current Plant List creates a list of everything in the document that has a record attached called Plant Record. In database criteria terms, this can be expressed: =database(R IN ['Plant Record']) What you want is a Plant List that contains only certain items that have the Plant Record attached. Specifically, you might want only records where the Plant Category field in the Plant Record is "Trees". Here's how you would express that: =database('Plant Record'.'Plant Category' = 'Trees') These expressions should go in the Criteria field in the database row of your worksheet. For more information on what this means, you'll have to spend some time reviewing the worksheet chapter in the VectorWorks reference manual.
  5. Please report the first error to bugsubmit@nemetschek.net if you can reproduce it and/or provide a file that reliably reproduces it. Try closing the document, restarting VectorWorks, then re-open your document and see if it still occurs. Also try using different placement modes with the Place Plant tool and see if it recurs. We're working on the decimal points issue for a future version. To move a plant's tag, look for the "control point" that occurs on the leader of the tag, just at the juction between the sloped and level part of the tag. Click right on this point and drag to move the tag without moving the plant.
  6. Sam, I'll attempt to respond to some of your points: A1. HOW DOES ONE GET ONE'S OWN INFORMATION INTO THE TITLE BLOCK? You modify the symbols in the file Plug-ins\Common\Data\00_Arch_Sheets.MCD to make them look like your firm's title blocks. Take a look at page 306 in the VectorWorks Architect on-line user guide (Advanced Topics - "Creating Custom Sheets") A2. WASN'T THERE A SHEET THAT WOULD AUTOMATICALLY SET UP EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS IN VW9? This is done (more flexibly) now using the Model View tool. Take a look at page 34 in the VectorWorks Architect on-line user guide (Setup Commands - "Creating a Model View") A3. ANYONE HAVE ANY GOOD REASONS TO USE THE SETUP? Prior to VectorWorks Architect 10, setup was a large, monolithic process and was "all or nothing". In VWA 10, we "modularized" the setup into two major functionalities: MODEL SETUP, which is a user-friendly command that sets up the 3D arrangement of your model layers and can be used whether you use the VWA naming conventions or not, and CREATE SHEET, which sets up and creates the layers/classes used in sheets. This second command is significantly supplemented by a new capability: CUSTOM NAMING STANDARDS, which allows you to "swap" between alternate naming standards. Imagine you have a consultant who uses AIA standard names but you use VWA names for layers and classes. This lets you change a document from one entire naming convention to another in a single menu command, and comes with VWA and AIA naming sets pre-loaded. You can also change between either VWA or AIA and your own naming standard. I Hope this info is helpful.
  7. I'd like to address the list individually: TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS: 2D and 3D contours can be generated from a point-set using the Digital Terraing Modeler in VWA and VWL. VOLUMES: The Digital Terraing Modeler in VWA and VWL will generate volumes and cut-and-fill volumes. ROADWAY CROSS-SECTIONS: Not at this time. VWA and VWL include low-speed roadway layout (we do not yet include Klothoide curves) but do not allow variable cross-sections. PROFILES: The Digital Terraing Modeler in VWA and VWL includes a Site Model Section command that creates a basic profile. STATIONING: The Digital Terraing Modeler in VWA and VWL includes a "Station Along Polyline" command that creates station points from a polyline laid over a site. COORDINATE GEOMETRY: Not at this time, although I'd like to talk with you about what COGO features you are specifically looking for. CURVES: The Property Line tool in VWA/VWL allows placement of arc curves, but (as I say above) we do not support Klothoide curves. DISPLAY & LABEL BEARINGS ON A LINE: This can be done using the Property Line Tool or the Annotate Segments command in VWA/VWL. Please feel free to email me directly at randerson@nemetschek.net regarding any features or wishes you have regarding VWL. Thanks!
  8. It's not an unusual situation for a disgrunted user to "badmouth" a software product on a competitor's listserv. (For example, just look at what VW users say about AutoCad on our listserv!) As to the lister's complaints: 1. VW is not accurate: This is untrue. Versions of VW prior to VW 9.0 used a long-integer based coordinate system. Since that version we have used a double-precision floating point coordinate system and we will put our accuracy up against anyone. 2. VW is not "intelligent". I'm afraid this criticism is really too vague and undefined to comment upon. VW is a highly-customizable, object-oriented CAD system that provides extensive 2D and 3D capablities and I would have to argue that it is, in fact, "intelligent". However, I am biased and, as I say, "intelligent" means exactly what I want it to mean. 3. VW is not "parametric". VectorWorks support 2D parametric constraints but not 3D parametric constraints. It's worth noting that 3D parametric constraint is one of SolidWorks' strong features. Sounds to me like the disgruntled user was using a quite old version of VectorWorks.
  9. You're right, the manual is a little light in this area. However, the process is straightforward: 1. Create your plant catalog master document. 2. To begin a new project with all the plant catalog data in place, either: 2.1 Make the file you created in 1 a "template" document (done by using the "Save as Template" command,) and use this template to start your project, or 2.2 Import from the file you created in 1 the symbol folder called the "System folder". This contains all your plant symbols and definitions. As to your other question, make sure your plant has a tag style defined in the Define Plant dialog box. If that is the case, then you should be able to individually show a plant tag using the "Tag Display" parameter in the Object Info palette, or you can do this for all the plants in your document by using the "Show or Hide Plant Tags" command on the View menu.
  10. You can set the size of the image infill on a per-object basis within Vectorworks. See "Applying Image Resources", page 292 of the on-line VectorWorks help system.
  11. iboymatt, from Architectural Graphic Standards, Ramsay and Sleeper, 6th ed., page 377: "WOOD WINDOW CONSTRUCTION: Bars & muntins separate gl. opngs. w/i single sash. Bars: Hor. or vert., full wth. or hgt. of gl. opng. Muntins: H or V, from site or rail to bar, bar to bar. Bars & muntins also diagonal." My interpretation of this is that a "muntin" is a secondary pane divider within a sash. No mention of mullions in this discussion. You say tomato, etc. I think if a term exists in AGS we can think of it as _not_ "non-standard".
  12. You'll need to create a very small offset such that the L is really a T with unequal crossbar. Then you can do this.
  13. The ID marker has no such scale parameter. For Objects which have such a parameter, the Scale parameter does provide a graphic scale. These are usually notational objects which try to auto-scale to the same page size. You can use the Scale param to adjust their size to your liking.
  14. John, you don't mention which version of VW/L you are using, but this sounds like a job for image fills in VW/L 10. If you can find a repeating "vegetation" texture you like, you can import it as an image fill and use that to fill your plant line, etc.
  15. Bea, please email the file to me at randerson@nemetschek.net
  16. The window glass attributes are set by the 'Style-Glazing #' classes. When windows are created they create the 'Style-Glazing 1' class. You can optionally set the glazing to 'Style-Glazing 2' or 3. Just turn the class fill off on 'Style-Glazing 1' and your windows should be tranparent. Multiple glazing styles allow different shades of glass and allow you to turn off transparency (when you're creating building elevations and don't want to see the detail inside, for example.)
  17. Julia, to set window muntis: 1. Select the window of interest. The name at the top of the Object Info palette should be 'Window'. 2. Click the checkbox named "Sash and muntin settings" 3. Set the 'Num H Muntins' parameter to the number of horizontal muntins you wish to see. 4. Set the 'Num V Muntins' parameter to the number of vertical muntins you wish to see. 5. Set the 'Display Muntins' popup parameter to "Top only", "Bottom only" or "Top and Bottom" to control whether muntins appear in top or bottom sashes. That's pretty much it.
  18. Since you're a former LandCADD user, I'm doubly interested to hear your input! Feel free to email me directly.
  19. PS: tvetter, were you a user of VW Landmark 9? Did you feel it was simpler to use?
  20. Please send any suggestions you have for the Plant features directly to me. My email is randerson@nemetschek.net. I'm very eager to hear any suggestions you have for the Plant tool or for irrigation. Thanks!
  21. Hey, Mat. This is a known bug. If you draw the first segment in the -y direction, the control point that controls the length of the grid lines is misplaced. If when you first draw such a grid line, you then grab the control point (which will be found at your first click entry point) and reshape it, then your line of grid bubbles should behave normally from then on. Sorry for the inconvenience. HTH, Robert
  22. They can be downloaded at: http://www.nemetschek.net/downloads/architect/index.html
  23. View menu in VectorWorks Architect.
  24. Kevin, VWA has two commands "Show Ceiling View" and "Show Floor View" for this purpose.
  25. 1. Wall Openings are now configuration options in door and window objects. 2. You can. They are called "muntins" and have new more flexible options in the Door and Window objects in VW10. 3. From Websters: Muntin: NOUN - A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window. 4. "Overhead" is now a configuration option in the door object.
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