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  • Why should I rename my viewports?

    PVA - Admin

    Viewports are a very useful way to present your drawing in a visually-controlled manner. However, trying to locate the desired viewport in a document can be tricky, especially if you have a lot of viewports. To ease this navigational dilemma you can rename your viewports to something easily recognizable to you.


    When a viewport is created, a default name of "Viewport 1" is assigned to the viewport. While in the Create Viewport dialog box, you can give the viewport a more unique name. After a viewport has been created, you can rename it in the Object Info palette. To do this, select the viewport and click on the Data pane in the Object Info palette. The top text box reflects the viewport's name. Enter the custom viewport name over the text that displays.

    Here are some other places you can change the name of a viewport:


    1. Select Tools > Organization, and then click on the Viewports tab. Select the viewport and then click the Edit button.
    2. From the Navigation palette, click the Viewports tab. Right-click the viewport and select Edit.
    3. Right-click the viewport and select Properties. Click the Data pane in the Properties dialog box and change the name in the text box at the bottom.

    Edited by JimW

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    Jim, this no longer seems to be available to me in VW2017, was this functionality changed or removed? It would definitely be helpful for something I'm trying to accomplish right now.

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    • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
    2 minutes ago, Shai Vera said:

    Jim, this no longer seems to be available to me in VW2017, was this functionality changed or removed? It would definitely be helpful for something I'm trying to accomplish right now.

    The viewport name should now be at the very bottom of the Object Info Palette with a viewport selected, this field should now show on ALL tabs rather than just the Data tab. Let me know if you do not see it:

    Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 10.18.59 AM.png

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    • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

    This is in Vectorworks 2017 sp4? What operating system are you on? From the screenshot it seems like something might need to be corrected by Tech Support, which you can get in touch with directly at tech@vectorworks.net

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    This is macOS 10.12.5.


    I've emailed tech support w my questions and linked them to this post. Thanks for your help.

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    @JimW it looks like this is related to this thread ( Link ). It looks like as well as being removed from the right click menu in the Navigation Palette it also doesn't appear in the Properties dialog for the Viewport. Note that the original poster included an image of the Properties dialog, not the OIP where it does appear. This Knowledge base article is currently not correct because of this oversight.




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    5 hours ago, JimW said:

    The viewport name should now be at the very bottom of the Object Info Palette with a viewport selected, this field should now show on ALL tabs rather than just the Data tab. Let me know if you do not see it:

    This is a great revision.

    because when you need to relink a section to another viewport, you can get the name in one click, rather than tabbing the oip over and back to find out.


    personally I never rename views, but everyone is very different.

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    As of v2017 SP4 it is still not possible by any method to rename a viewport, except possibly with a VS routine.  Is there anything I am missing here?  Is this fixed in 2018?  Any why in the world did anyone mess with something that worked, was reliable, and that we all knew where to find?  It drives me crazy to see things like this occur when I'm paying good money for updates every year, only to get a program that seems to accumulate as many bugs as it fixes.

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    with viewports sometimes I haven't had enough time to create viewport names but it does help massively and I highly recommend people name there viewports within a file. My wish is that the default or a preference within Vectorworks preferences would be to just auto-rename your viewport to whatever your sheet was called, plus the type of view (top/plan, front right etc) you could short hand it if you needed followed by a unique view number if its not the only unique one e.g. if your sheet says ground floor plan the viewport could be titled Ground-TR-View1 shortened to the first title in the sheet and views shortened to a couple of letters or it could be displayed the full length of the titles just by default as options in preferences. It would make viewport naming a lot quicker.

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    Here's a script that renames viewports with the sheet layer, drawing number, and drawing name:




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    thank you for the script hopefully some kind of script could just be put in as a standard into the preferences as an option.

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