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Constant freezing/low performance doing simple tasks




Using VW architect 2019 SP6 on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 | iMac retina 4K 21.5 Inch, 2019, 3ghz 6-core Intel Core i5, *gb 2667 Mhz DDR4 with Radeon Pro 560x 4gb. We use dropbox to share files, this file is locally stored


Using the program normally I seem to run into multiple issues on almost any file, for example, I will draw a basic rectangle and it will loading spin, stop, loading spin, stop, basically freeze for about 1 min, this happens randomly and often when I draw something new like a shape. overall the performance is very slow, file size is around 70mb (is this considered big?) and everything is in 2d except walls, but we draw everything on 2d planes, so the walls are 3000mm in height and they have windows/doors within, but we do not use 3D views, any clue what could be causing these performance drops? 


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Also having a similar issue - even having the rectangle tool selected causes the 3-4 second lag every 5 seconds. after deleting the rectangle and changing tool the lag stops. Reloads/restart computer has no affect.


VW Architect 2022

Macbook M1

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@GuyPCIt is better to start your own thread than to add to a year old thread that is very different. While your symptoms may sound similar you are using a different version of VW on a different operating system on different hardware. It is unlikely to be the same cause.


I recommend you start with these steps to try and solve the problem.


1. Reset your preferences.  Go to Vectorworks Preferences and click the Reset button in the bottom left. 

2. Rename/move your user folder and restart VW to create a new one.

3. Manually clear everything VW related from Library:Preference

4. Unistall and reinstall VW


There have also been some issued with Automatic Graphics Switching, but I am not certain if that is an M1 problem or not. But probably worth a try to see.  System Preferences:Battery Uncheck Automatic Graphic Swtiching in both the Battery and Power Supply panes.  This should probably have been right after resetting preferences.



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