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Automatic Layer Association


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Is there a setting that controls the layer association for objects?

For example, I have a drawing that is completed, objects are given layer associations, but not class associations, I decide after the drawing is complete that I need to rotate the entire thing 45 degrees to fit a page better (yes I know about viewports and how to use them and like them, but teaching the rest of the office the concept of viewports has been a challenge and experience I am just not willing to undertake at this point) Anyway when I rotate everything, every object assumes the association with the current layer. My question is really, is there any way to rotate mass objects with different layer associations and retain those associations? I am aware that the class setting will retain the assigned associations, but here again, I haven't figured out how to explain class vs layer to the others and I am not always the only one to work on a specific project.

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There is one way that I know of (but viewports is definitely easier!): Draw one recatangle that bounds the entire area of each layer (ie: it is outside of all objects in every layer). Copy and paste in place the same rectangle to each layer. In "Active Only" layer setting, go to each layer and select all, then group, then rotate. The layers ought to have rotated the same, based on the new group which has its outer perimeter defined by the new rectangle. Now you can ungroup each layer (but I would save the rectangle-turned-polygon just in case...) Hope that helps (but still would ugre you to use viewports!)

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Thanks, I had thought about it, but that method is too much like work. I can apply class assosiations which I know will hold, but my problem goes back to the others and getting them to understand the system and how it functions. I am working on them, but some of the vague concepts required for drafting (i.e. paper space vs. model space required for viewports) are very elusive and hard to grasp for some.

Oh well, I guess we are in for some winter training sessions.

Thanks again

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Thanks, you guys are such a huge help, and after my experiences with a new pool program we recently purchased, your tech board and administrators are top notch.

I am the ex-cad person and slowly coming around to VW, I recently discovered that my desktop processor is too slow, hence a great deal of my frustrations with VW were due to lag times in task completion. But the others aren't fluent with computers at all, much less complex drafting programs. We have one that refuses to use the call-out tool, instead to label everything there is at least one text block and sometimes one for every line, (text wrap is a foreign concept) and a leader line. It is driving me nuts. I have no idea how to conveince them to use the tools more efficiently.

Well enough whining, Thanks guys.

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