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Get z at xy for NURBS curve?


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  • 2 years later...

Hello everyone

I find this workaround interesting.


If the Nurbs curve is bent in XYZ then I would need to duplicate the Locus points along the path. correct?



Is there some way to get the alignment of a Nurbs surface at point XY --> Get Z at XY "Get Degree"?


Have a nice day



Greetings from switzerland


Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-11 um 15.51.58.png

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

You can extract a point anywhere along a NURBS curve and get the Z value, but the point has to be relative to the length of NURBS curve, not the coordinate space. Get degree gives you the curvature of the NURBS curve at that point, I don't think it will get you the Z value.

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Is it possible with "Get Degree" to get the curvature of a NURBS surface (not a curve) at a certain point, for example at the locus?


Alternatively, I would have to create objects and read their rotation with "Get 3D Orientation".


Thank you for your help.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-12 um 10.27.35.png

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I don't think Get Degree get you any useful info. It is a degree of curvature that is specific to NURBS, so it will be a value of 1 if the point is a sharp angle, 2, or 3, etc. for less sharp angles - it is a value that is specific to NURBS geometry and not a real-world degree value. I believe what you are looking for is the Normal value of a Surface at a certain point. There are NURBS nodes that give you the Normal - the direction of the vector that is normal to the surface at that point. You can use this value to orient objects along a surface, for example. I can't remember the exact name of the node or nodes, but it should have the word Normal in either the name or the output value.

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Hello everyone


After spending some time searching, I think I've found a workable solution. Everything is trial and error.


I can now align an object at a 90 ° angle on any surface.


The attached file works with a NURBS surface and a 3D object (example).


I found the special node "PtArrayStartEnd v002" in a network of @DomC. Thank you.


Is there a way to calculate the workflow and do without the graphic elements?


Many thanks for your help


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