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Need file format advice for importing

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I ask for some simple advice from you seasoned pros out there ......    i have a very large file of a museum building that I've been working on with the intent of making it suitable for photo-realistic 3D renderings of interior spaces.  The building owners will soon hire a museum exhibit designer, and it seems likely that the designer will not be using Vectorworks.  I intend to import their 3D design exhibits into my 3D museum building, so that I can show how well the exhibits work with the building.


Here is my simple question:  if I could dictate what software the exhibit designer uses (other than VW)  what software file format will be the easiest to import into my 3D model ?   Important point:  I'm using VW 2015, so a Revit import is not possible.


As you might expect, I want to import their work "as is" without having to re-generate solids or apply new textures or have to break the 3D files into a million polygons.


What do you think will work the best ?



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Even if VW 2018, I would not recommend Revit import as a useful exchange format.


I get my 2D info by DWG. That works ok.

Not so much in 3D, I get better results by IFCs from Revit.

Not sure if VW 2015 supports DWG Materials already. But that seems to work in later VW's.

As long as - the exporting App supports Materials too, which is very rare.


Exhibit Designers may not really work in a CAD but use a 3D App like 3DSMax, Cinema, Modo, ....

These are normally able to export Geometry and Materials in 3D formats.


For the purpose as you described, a FBX import would be very suitable.

Unfortunately VW can export FBX only.

If you also have a copy of C4D you could bring in exhibit design things there and combine

it with your museum geometry exchanged between VW and C4D.

Normally FBX still means some Material/Camera/Light adaptions between Apps for me.

But Geometry and Material assignments work great.


There could be a workaround by using Sketchup in between in some cases (?)

Or trying OBJ.

But for VW that often may end by using legacy 3DS format.

Edited by zoomer
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