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Adding a row in a Report


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Hi there,


I am wondering if someone can help me figure out how to add a row in a report.  In the attached image, I have a report using the space tool to show the space name and area.  


I'd like to either:

1. Add a row between 1.2 and 1.3 in order to add a sum of the Total (E) Area, and then add maybe a blank row below to separate from the (N) areas.


2. Make the space labels different somehow based on whether they are (E) or (N).  So when I pull a report, I could call up only the (E) or the (N), rather than both.


Are either of these possible, or one easier/quicker than the other?  Does anyone have any recommmendations for setting up building areas/spaces in worksheets?  I am trying to set this up so that it can be used in our office template.

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 10.51.20 AM.png

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1 is not possible

2 is not necessary - the Space Names are already distinguishable.


Create 2 databases in a single worksheet,

One of Spaces which contain (E) and another which contain (N)  ( or do not contain (E))



Edited by bcd
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Hi bcd,


Thank you for your response!  Bummed that #1 is not possible.  The second option sounds a little beyond me.  Where do I tell it to show only the (E) spaces? Is this done via a script, selecting for the (E) in the Custom Name field, or something (hopefully) simpler?

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Right Click in the Row Header for the database (Row 1, not 1.1, etc) Select Edit Criteria.


Click the More Choices Button.


Enter a Criteria of Field (the field that holds your name goes here) = (E)*


The star on the end of the criteria means that it will find all instances that start with (E) followed by anything.


Repeat with a second database but edit the criteria to =(N)*


Once you get all the fields and formulas formatted like you want, you can select the database header row, Copy, select a blank row, Paste and then juste edit the criteria so you don't have to set up everything every time.


Let us know if you need help figuring out the correct field names.

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Hi Pat,


Thank you so much for the help!  I edited the criteria and I think we are super close to what I am looking for.


The first image shows what the original header has.  

The second shows what happens after I edit the criteria to =(E)*.  

The third image shows where I removed part the header criteria, as it looked like it was doubling up the sort/search.  (Not sure if this is helpful, but have attached the results as well.)

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 1.16.57 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 1.26.14 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 1.22.50 PM.png

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