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Hardscape Slab Thickness Change



I’m not sure how most people generate 3D object, but in our office we turn 2D polygons, rectangles etc. in hardscapes, then in the Object Info, under 'Draw 3D’ Go: 3D type > Slab. Then from there you can edit slab thickness, elevation etc. In VW 2016 you were able to set negative thicknesses to the slab. For instance: say you have a step at a height of -600 elevation then you set the step thickness at -150. You know the top of the step is at a height of -600 below 0 and then another -150 down to the next step, starting the next step at an elevation of -750. 


In 2017 it seems you can’t set a slab thickness of less than 0 anymore. Meaning, if I use the same example, if I have a step with an elevation of -600 (this you can do in 2017) and enter a thickness, I have to enter 150 to get the same effect however the elevation of the step will be -450 now. The next step after this one will then need to be -750 at 150 thickness to give it a height of -600. 


Doing this for all 3D Hardscape-Slab objects in a drawing becomes incredibly confusing and makes us question our accuracy at every change therefor slowing production down to a grind... 


Could we have this changed back to the way it was? 




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Not sure if I understood the Problem right.


In Architecture we do our slabs directly from the slab tool,

from a polygon > create objects from shapes > slab or

fill bucket mode into closed wall arrangements.


I think negative thickness values aren't necessary as you now can set your

slab Z origin to top or bottom of the slab.

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Hardscapes work differently to slabs: 

- they can be 2D only or 2D + 3D

- When the 3D is activated there are separate thickness parameters for the body and the border.  

- They don't have a Z value.  Instead they have an Elevation value which is relative to the Z of the Design Layer they are in.


The Elevation value is always to the bottom surface of the Hardscape object so to get the top surface at a required level you have to set the elevation value to the required value for the top surface minus the thickness.  Hence the wish by DanH.



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