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RW : C4D Export - File Units / Heliodon / Naming

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I wish the exported C4D File from VW would use Millimeters CENTIMETERS !

but C4D's "standard" file units cm.

Or better use VW primary file units set in file.

Or even better let the user choose.


That each VW Heliodon gets exported as one single Physical Sky,

not divided into background sky and infinite light.

(+ indirect light, just because needed in VW OpenGl only)

Just a hidden, deactivated Alternative, separated to basic light components,

for those not using C4D Visual and having no access to Physical Renderer and


3. a+b

Renounce of adding the term "class " as a prefix to the VW Class Name used

in exported Materials.

Renounce of adding geometry Tool's names as a prefix like "Extrude " or

"GenericSolid " in front of geometry named by Class Name.

Edited by zoomer
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Yes, I too want the light from the Heliodon which is a complete

physical daylight system - just like the C4D equivalent "Physical Sky"

The C4D export does not use use the complete "Physical Sky, combining

infinite light for sun, skylight and background,

but separate Sky Item for Background, a separate Infinite Light for sun and a

separate Omni Light for Ambient, coming from OpenGL, not RW settings.

The Location, Date and Time are frozen that way and setting option is lost.

Therefore I always deactivate the whole Background, Light (and Camera)

Folders exported and recreate my Heliodons

For VRAY, you will already know, you can directly use the C4D Physical Sky.

Just create a VRAY infinite light and assign that light as a custom sun light

in the Physical Sky.

That keeps Location+Time, opposed to C4D Sun Tag, that has Time+Date only.

Also nice for VRAY is using a simple Infinite Target Light with VRAY Light Tag only.

You can move the Light around freely for artistic design reasons.

Not very accurate because no defined Location and Time,

but the Light will still be physically correct.

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  • 3 months later...
On 6.6.2016 at 7:31 PM, zoomer said:


That each VW Heliodon gets exported as one single Physical Sky,

not divided into background sky and infinite light.

(+ indirect light, just because needed in VW OpenGl only)

Just a hidden, deactivated Alternative, separated to basic light components,

for those not using C4D Visual and having no access to Physical Renderer and


3. a)

Renounce of adding the term "class " as a prefix to the VW Class Name used

in exported Materials.

This happened already with VW 2017.

But thanks a lot for the remaining wish parts !!! :x


Edited by zoomer
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  • 8 months later...
On 6.6.2016 at 7:31 PM, zoomer said:


I wish the exported C4D File from VW would use CENTIMETERS !

as C4D's "standard" file units are cm.

Or better use VW primary file units set in file.

Or even better let the user choose.



That each VW Heliodon gets exported as one single Physical Sky,

not divided into background sky and infinite light.

(+ indirect light, just because needed in VW OpenGl only)


Just a hidden, deactivated Alternative, separated to basic light components,

for those not using C4D Visual and having no access to Physical Renderer and



3. b)

Renounce of adding geometry Tool's names as a prefix like "Extrude " or

"GenericSolid " in front of geometry named by Class Name.





Those wishes may be granted,

but that may not necessarily mean that I may have a chance to überleben their date of implementation ....



Edited by zoomer
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