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Bug Report


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When using the Range node, if you send it a negative number for count, and ab, Vectorworks locks ups due to the creation of an endless loop. Eventually your computer will run out memory.

The node should probably test to make sure this doesn't happen.

I replaced the RunNode with the following to check for this:

def RunNode(self):

def frange(x, y, jump):

while x - y <= .000001:

yield x

x += jump

a = self.Params.start.value

b = self.Params.stop.value

c = self.Params.count.value

list = []

if ((c == 0) or (a < b and c < 0) or (a > b and c > 0)):

list = [a, b]


c = (b - a) / c

list = [n for n in frange( a, b, c)]

self.Params.list.value = list

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  • Marionette Maven

Currently, Marionette doesn't account well for all types of user error, which is the case in these instances.

Marionette runs the same way as a script in the script palette would upon execution. In scripts, there is no current check on whether or not a user would end up in an infinite loop, it's completely in the user's hand to be sure that is prevented.

Because of this, I'm not sure how much error handling we can truly provide for Marionette, but sharing these encounters may definitely help us to handle things a bit better in node development.

As for the request to have a button that terminates execution, that will likely not happen soon since, again, the network runs EXACTLY how a script would, and there is no way to break an infinite loop in that circumstance either, at least with how scripting is currently implemented, to my knowledge. (I also would LOVE this feature, I break Marionette frequently when creating new nodes)

I'll keep my ear open for anything that may help in these situations.

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