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Object Node inserted into walls


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A problem I have encountered :

If you have an object node or an object node converted to a symbol, in the shape of say an ace of spades, and you insert it into a wall the hole created does not take the shape of the object gaps appear.

Has anybody else experienced this? Is there a solution?

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Not going to work completely.

A long time ago someone from VW (I don't remember who or where) told us that the wall hole code uses something that I believe is called a "Convex Hull" to make the opening for an inserted symbol.

Think of it kind of like a rubber band stretched around the object.

The "undercuts" at the base of the spade are not going to be properly filled by the wall.

This is not a Marionette problem, but rather a Wall problem.

EDIT: Here is the original thread about Convex Hulls

Edited by Pat Stanford
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I noticed you included the wall as part of the node network. However if you take out the wall so that the spade is the only object created by the node network, wrap it, then convert to object node and then insert into a regular wall it fails.

As simple as it seems, I must mention I learned something new with your approach to use a named object as control input. I was thinking in a different direction.

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