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Applying textures to Walls


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  • Marionette Maven

Hi Alan,

My recommendation is that you use the "Texture" node rather than the "Apply Texture," as it allows you to choose where the texture is applied. I've attached a revision to your file.

Also, I'm not sure what you were trying to do with the wall footprint and extrude? I'm assuming you were trying to adjust the height of the walls?

Currently, I'm only aware of changing the wall heights in Marionette by changing your layer height, which is what I've done here. I'll look into other options if you'd like!

- Marissa

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Footprint, as I am new to all this stuff I am just experimenting with it all to see what it all does. This one was I got the footprint and realised I ca extrude it and move and then delete the footprint. All about see what happens and how far I can push it with my limited knowledge of marionette and programming.

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