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How do you edit the profile from Extrude Along Path

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I can get my macro to edit the profile if the user chooses "Path" when EditObjectSpecial (h, 4); is used, but I don't want user input.

How do I edit or delete and replace the profile in Extrude Along Path?


Note that when you use the other function to retrieve the profile it might not work if no profile was set. Atleast that's how it behaves on the SDK.

Edited by hippothamus
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Thanks Hip, but I can't get a grasp on the extrude process.

If you use the following to create an extrude-along-path + the new profile, how do I replace the 20mm profile with the new 50mm profile?

procedure test;


BTmp : boolean;

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 : handle;

PipeOD, WallWdth : real;


h1 := FSObject (ActLayer);

if (GetType (h1) <> 86) then


Poly3D (5, -5, 0, 300, -300, 0, 300, -757, 0, 5, -462, 0);

h1 := ConvertToPolyline (LNewObj);

SetPolylineVertex (h1, 2, 300, -300, 3, 140, true);

SetPolylineVertex (h1, 3, 300, -757, 3, 140, true);


if (GetType (h1) = 21) then


PipeOD := 20;

WallWdth := 4;

Oval (-PipeOD/2, PipeOD/2, PipeOD/2, -PipeOD/2);

h2 := LNewObj;

Oval (-PipeOD/2 + WallWdth, PipeOD/2 - WallWdth, PipeOD/2 - WallWdth, -PipeOD/2 + WallWdth);

h3 := LNewObj;

ClipSurface (h2, h3);

h4 := PrevObj (h3);

h5 := CreateCustomObject ('Extrude Along Path', 0, 0, 0);

if (SetCustomObjectProfileGroup (h5, h4)) then begin end;

if (SetCustomObjectPath (h5, h1)) then begin end;

DelObject (h2);

DelObject (h3);

h1 := LNewObj;


if (GetType (h1) = 86) then


PipeOD := 50;

WallWdth := 4;

{ Create New Profile }

Oval (-PipeOD/2, PipeOD/2, PipeOD/2, -PipeOD/2);

h2 := LNewObj;

Oval (-PipeOD/2 + WallWdth, PipeOD/2 - WallWdth, PipeOD/2 - WallWdth, -PipeOD/2 + WallWdth);

h3 := LNewObj;

ClipSurface (h2, h3);

DelObject (h2);

DelObject (h3);

h2 := LNewObj;

{ Replace Old Profile }


h3 := GetCustomObjectProfileGroup (h1);

if (SetCustomObjectProfileGroup (h3, h2)) then begin end;

if (SetCustomObjectPath (h3, h2)) then begin end;




run (test);

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{ Replace Old Profile }


h3 := GetCustomObjectProfileGroup (h1);

if (SetCustomObjectProfileGroup (h3, h2)) then begin end;

if (SetCustomObjectPath (h3, h2)) then begin end;




run (test);

First of all, SetCustomObjectProfileGroup needs the handle of the object, not the active profilegroup of that object.

Secondly, reset the object once you are done changing the profile group to make sure the object uses the new profile.

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