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2011 Intermittent Loss of Keyboard Shortcuts

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Since Upgrading to Architect 2011 I've been intermittently loosing the following two keyboard shortcuts:

Shift Key to allow me to select more than one object.

Space Bar to engage the pan tool.

I don't know what I'm doing to interrupt these key functions and I don't know what I'm doing (if anything) to reactivate them. So far it seems random.

Is there some keystroke that toggles these shortcuts on and off? Can you think of anything else that might be related? Might it be something at the OS level?

I'm using Mac OS10.5.8.

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Is it possible that you have an active field in the OIP?

ie. if you type a value into the OIP and then hit spacebar to get the boomerang tool, it will just keep adding spaces inside the OIP, which may not be noticed immediately.

Next time try hitting escape (exit the OIP) or escape & X (exit the OIP and change to the selection tool). That will guarantee that you are back in the drawing before you engage other keyboard shortcuts.



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Okay. I think I have a solution. I recalled that when I used 2010 (at another office) I had to stop using the Firefox web browser because it would interfere with my VW keyboard shortcuts. (I switched to Safari). Now I have twice solved my current VW problems with the Firefox browser (once by closing it and once by simply clicking on a browser window and then back into VW. I don't know of anyone else who reports this interference but my system has one unusual feature: I use a Wacom digitizing tablet for drawing. I know that over the last decade of usage it has caused occasional problems especially when it's driver was out of date. The current driver is getting old but it's the most recent one Wacom has to offer. Since the tablet is ten years old they may not feel compelled to support it.

I'll report back if I find my problems are not resolved by closing Firefox.

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