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Site Model Odd Contour LAbel Figures

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I have just created a basic site model

I work in Metric units

Minor Contour Interval = 10

Major Contour Multiplier = 10

Start Contour Offset = 0

Maximum Elevation = 7500

Minimum Elevation = 6500

Datum Elevation = 0

I have chosen to "show labels"

On every "Major Contour" the labels read 6899.96, 7099.94, 7199.93 etc

In all other Site models I have created the Major contours have been rounded number, what have I unknowingly changed to make the contour labels read as odd numbers?

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  • 3 years later...

I am having this issue too, changing units to m does help but as we use mm across all our other drawings it is a confusing workflow - it doesn't seem to happen with all our site models just on occasions and is very frustrating when it does occur. Also working with such low precision can lead to errors and makes working on the sheet layer very difficult.

Edited by Tim Harland
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