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OIP Data on a work sheet


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I have drawn a rectangle

In the OIP>Data>Object Name, I have called it "rectangle one"

In the Record Formats>Part Information, I have entered "6.0m"

How can I create a worksheet that will show the "Object Name" in the "A" column and "Part Information" in the "B" Column?

Hope this isnt too much of a rookie question :)

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Create a new worksheet

Select a row ( I will use 3 for this example) and Click and hold on the row header. Select Database from the drop down menu.

Set the criteria to Record "Part Information" is present. (By the way, I could not find Part Information as any of the standard record formats. Doesn't matter, but you will have to determine your own filed names.)

In cell A3, type "=N" without the quotes. This will put the Name of every object with the Part Information record in column A.

In cell B3 type "='Part Information.Field Name'" Without the double quotes, but with the single quotes. You need to replace Field Name with the name of the field you entered your data in. This will get you the data you entered in the record in column B for every object with the record.



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I have 10 objects with "part information" available.

Using your method above has done exactly what I need.

I cant see a pattern thou to how the information is arranged

For example

The the ten objects are named "beam 01", "beam 02", "beam 03" etc etc etc

I assumed that they would arrange alphabetically then numerically.

However they are arranged in no apparent order

Why is this?

There doesnt seem to be a way to move this info either

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Select the database header row. Drag the sort icons (above the column headers, just to the right of the Worksheet menu triangle) to the database header column you want to sort by. You can sort on up to three columns at the same time.

There is also a sum icon. Use this to summerize icons with the same column characteristic (i.e. all windows labeled W-01).


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