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Truss Record

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
2 hours ago, Regie said:

I have a lighting truss 1 2 3, and I want to make a separate worksheet on each lighting trusses

It sounds more like you're looking for an instrument schedule based on each truss. If you create a report and use the Criteria window to limit the worksheet to each truss, you'll get what I think you're looking for.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Fill in the position name field for the truss sections in each tower (group select and give all the truss sections in each tower the same name)
Set your report criteria to 'type' 'is' 'truss'
and then use 'field value' 'position name' 'is' and then enter the name of the tower in the last column.

In the coulmns section use records
Truss Position Name
Truss Name
and then function =Count

This will give a report listing the type of truss sections used in the tower and a count for each along with the position name.

Repeat this for each tower and apend the worksheets to the first one.

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