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vectorworks 2024 .dwg import problem



I want to import my .dwg extension file into the vectorworks 2024 program, but the import does not work properly. After giving the warning that the import process has been completed successfully, the layers in the CAD file appear, but the file itself is not displayed on the screen. Thinking that I could not see the file, I positioned it at the origin point in the .dwg file, but I cannot see any drawing at the origin point. How can I solve this problem? I am using the student version.

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On 3/8/2024 at 7:17 AM, Jonathan Pickup said:

that looks like a scaling issue. are those rectangles Drawings? 


Hi there, I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this post - I'm having a similar issue: the import appears in the view port but as soon as I click back to the Design Layer, I can not locate the contents of the import. I tried importing as 2D only but this has not solved the issue. When I select all, the object info pallet remains empty. Selecting 'fit to objects' has no impact either. I have looked in the classes and layers and checked all the viabilities. Are you able to advise where I might be going wrong please?

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