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BuildResourceList with Current File SubFolder Symbols?

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Seems easy enough but having some trouble. I have some Symbol inside of Symbol Folders in my current file that I want to build into Resource Lists.


  • MasterFile.VWX (Current open document)
    • Symbol folder 1
    • Symbol folder 2
    • Symbol folder 3

I have 

List1:=BuildResourceList(16,0,'Symbol Folder 1',NumItems);


I have tried using a negative value for the folder index as well. Currently it just lists every single Symbol in my file and not the specified sub-folder.


I see some Remarks that say BuildResourceList doesn't have the ability to find Symbols inside of Symbol Folders (only top level) but it looks like that was resolved in VWX 2020. Am I missing something here? Was hoping to avoid having to use BuildResourceListN2 with separate files for each folder, which I do have working. 

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Hi @stevenmorgan94,


   @Juliensv's method is a sound way to go, but as in all things Vectorscript, there are multiple ways to get to the same place. As luck would have it, I was playing with AddResourceToList() this past weekend, so here are two more ways to get to where you want.


   The first subroutine, GetSymsInFldr1, uses a WHILE loop to step through the contents of your Symbol Folder. The second subroutine, GetSymsInFldr2, uses ForEachObjectInList() to do the same thing. They are identical in function and nearly identical in size. Use the one that's easiest for you to follow, or try your hand at Julian's method.


   To run this example, change the value of the constant kSymFldrName to match a Symbol Folder name in your file.


{ Two example subroutines showing how to build a Resource List of Symbol Names in user specified SymFolder. }
{ 24 Oct 2023 - Raymond J Mullin }
	kSymFldrName = 'Your Symbol Folder Name';
	List16, ListSize :Longint;

	Function GetSymsInFldr1(FldrNam :String; var NumItems :Longint) :Longint;
	{ Return a Resource List of all SymDefs in symbol folder FldrNam, and return the list size in NumItems. }
		kSymDefType = 16;
		H :Handle;
		ListID, I :Longint;
		ListID := BuildResourceListN(kSymDefType, '', NumItems);		{ empty list of Symbol Defs }
		H := FInFolder(GetObject(FldrNam));		{ first obj in Sym Folder }
		while (H<>nil) do begin
			if (GetTypeN(H) = kSymDefType) then I := AddResourceToList(ListID, H);
			H := NextObj(H);
		end;		{ while }  
		NumItems := ResourceListSize(ListID);
		GetSymsInFldr1 := ListID;
	End;		{ GetSymsInFldr1 }

	Function GetSymsInFldr2(FldrNam :String; var NumItems :Longint) :Longint;
	{ Return a Resource List of all SymDefs in symbol folder FldrNam, and return the list size in NumItems. }
		kSymDefType = 16;
		ListID, I :Longint;

		Function AddSym2List(H :Handle) :Boolean;
		{ Return a Resource List of all SymDefs in symbol folder FldrNam. }
			if (GetTypeN(H) = kSymDefType) then I := AddResourceToList(ListID, H);
		End;		{ AddSym2List }

	Begin	{ GetSymsInFldr2 }
		ListID := BuildResourceListN(kSymDefType, '', NumItems);		{ empty list of Symbol Defs }
		ForEachObjectInList(AddSym2List, 0, 0, FInFolder(GetObject(FldrNam)));		{ All objects, Shallow }  
		NumItems := ResourceListSize(ListID);
		GetSymsInFldr2 := ListID;
	End;		{ GetSymsInFldr2 }
	{ Call first subroutine example and show the results. }
	List16 := GetSymsInFldr1(kSymFldrName, ListSize);
	AlrtDialog(concat('List#: ', List16, '   —   List Size: ', ListSize));

	{ Call second subroutine example and show the results. }
	List16 := GetSymsInFldr2(kSymFldrName, ListSize);
	AlrtDialog(concat('List#: ', List16, '   —   List Size: ', ListSize));





Edited by MullinRJ
Make "I" a Longint, save a line. (line 16)
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