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How to attach Uniclass classification codes and descriptions



Hi everyone,


I'm hoping someone is able to assist with some direction on how to best attach Uniclass classification to elements in our model (which is already built).


For background, our interiors based work is part of a much larger project, for which Revit is being used by other consultants and designers, and we have been instructed to include Uniclass classification codes and description in accordance with the BIM execution plan. 


Browsing other threads that deal with Uniclass, I am unclear whether I can input attach codes / descriptions manually using IFC management within the Data Manager, or whether it needs to be done through the NBS Chorus plugin? On other threads, Vwx templates have been provided with a class list based on Uniclass naming conventions, but as I understand, the outputting of our model in Revit format would make this classification redundant as there is no Revit equivalent.


If it's the former, a run through of exactly how this is done manually would be hugely appreciated.


If its the latter, will I need a NBS Chorus subscription, or is this a free plugin / service? The link to the Vectorworks / NBS plugin (page link below) takes me to the Vectorworks customer portal home page, and I can't locate the plugin - any assistance locating it would be great.




Thanks in advance

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30 minutes ago, olly-sb said:

If its the latter, will I need a NBS Chorus subscription, or is this a free plugin / service? The link to the Vectorworks / NBS plugin (page link below) takes me to the Vectorworks customer portal home page, and I can't locate the plugin - any assistance locating it would be great.

No idea on your main question, but I found this other thread about how to install the NBS Chorus plug-in:


Hopefully others can answer your main question. It would also be useful to know what Vw version you are using.


Another thing to be aware of is that if you are planning to export a Revit model as your deliverable, you’ll need to know what version of Revit is specified in your BIM execution plan. I believe with Vw that exporting to Revit is tied to the version of VW you are using: Vw 2022 exports Revit 2022 version files, Vw2023 exports Revit 2023, etc. 

Edited by rDesign
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Hi, thanks for your response and for directing me to that thread - I hadn't this one before so very useful. If appears from the video that a NBS Chorus subscription is required to use the plugin. 


In this case, I'm hoping that someone can instruct me how to attach Uniclass data manually - is there anyone out there?!


Yes you are correct on the Vwx / Revit version export. We work in Vwx 2022 normally, but as the required Revit model is 2021, have to save down the model and open in Vwx 2021.


Thanks for your help.

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