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How to create roof with different bearing height without API

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So this is a 2D drawing?


How have you come to the geometry we see on this sketch? You have no other data - elevations drawn etc??


BTW, why is there - what seems so be - a roof edge shown if this layout is Top Plan?


Marked here....




The time consuming way of prepping a (resultant) roof plan off plan/layout/elevational heights is to overlay your roof pitch lines (from different bearing heights as you state) and create the plan geometry - assume you do have the roof pitch?. That is pretty much basic 'technical drawing'.


Providing a better insight into your reluctance to use a capable 3D software package for this might help someone guide you better......


ScreenShot2023-07-04at11_51_44.thumb.png.19d467a5994441e636bf459fca0fbb29.png    ScreenShot2023-07-04at11_52_08.thumb.png.2943cbe69217ebf28d3e892a37343bc4.png


Roof shown as I don't have wall data.


Not sure you're going at this from the right direction. Seems much too cart before horse.

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There are several ways to go about this, but I noticed you indicated Line data as one.  If you created the outline of your shape with  3D lines.  Then the following would be a potential solution.


- After you have your shape outline in 3D lines.

- Convert them to NURBS

- Select the lines that form continuous planar surface (then the step below)

- Go to 3D power pack and choose "Create Surface from curves (this will make solid planar surface)

- when you have all your surfaces, you can use "Add solids" if you wish

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So your first sketch was out since the rear pitch was not drawn with 45º lines (hips to ridge) - leading me to believe that pitch was steeper. 


You're also forgetting - correct me if wrong - the roof needs to overlap the wall extents


This was sooooooooo easy to create - even with having to input your 'freedom units' changed to mm. You're going to have to grasp the nettle and draw in 3D



Edited by Gadzooks
Gables to hips
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