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Plant Classes inside Landscape Areas

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This came up the other day funnily enough: the fact that with Plants for some reason you can assign everything to non-None classes + yet the Plants will still be affected by None.




Funny though that you seem to be saying that not all Plants are affected this way...

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Yes, I run into this issue almost almost weekly. I thought I had found a workaround with landscape areas.


I feel like in an earlier version of VW there was the option to "Convert to Unstyled" for plants so you could grab a plant, tweak the settings you want then create a new style. That option is no longer available (in v2022 at least), but I could be wrong. 


I have some custom plants mixed in with VW plants that aren't reproducing this "none" behavior. I am trying to reproduce in a test file but no joy before the weekend.


A screen recording is attached.



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