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Found 6 results

  1. Hi All, I'm having some real problems installing the service packs for vwx 2019 on my Windows 10 laptop. I've had issued with previous vwx installs and updates on this laptop, but always got around them previously by downloading the update, rebooting into safe mode and installing from there. However with the new updater, I am unable to take this approach, as I can't run the updater to download the update.. And I can't run the updater in safe mode, as then I lose my ability to connect to the internet (even with 'safe mode with networking' selected). Does anybody else suffer from this problem? How can I get around it? I'm stuck on SP0. Thanks, A
  2. Hello, I have a Plugin (menuCommand) that creates a Form Dialog (non-Modal Form from a C# Module) and from this Dialog I want to call READONLY commands to the sdk (for example: get Object Information of selected Objects in the Drawing). When I call the functions as MenuCommands directly I have no issues. But when I attempt to call the commands from my C# Dialog, (almost any SDK command for example: "gSDK->GetObjectTypeN((Handle)objectHandle)") Vectorworks crashes with the following Exception: System.AccessViolationException". An attempt was made to read or write in the protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupted". However, I can use the following Functions in the same way without problems: ->GetActiveDocument ->ForEachObject Is this a known limitation from the SDK that it should not be called from another Application? Or is this something I can fix? I have done a similar implementation for other CAD programs that required a form of EventHandler to trigger the SDK Functions. Would this be a viable approach? Or am I missing something trivial here? Thanks in advance for the information. Best regards, Mauricio
  3. Hi, I am finding that after ~30mins of using Vectorworks 2017 & 2016 the redraw rate and the object info boxes flicker and the program becomes really slow. Changing between tools and moving objects around the screen is laggy to the point where it affects my workflow. Text boxes are almost impossble to work with as i can't select text or move text without waiting a few soconds per operation. I would like to think that i am running powerful enough hardware to not have a problem but clearly something is not right and i can't seem to track it down. I phoned up the Vectorworks support line and they tried to fix the issue but to no avail. The girl was very helpful but basically just changed some of the graphics properties within vectorworks which made no difference. It does not matter how large or small the file is, how complex or how simple the geometry is. I am working only in 2D plan. Sketchup, 3DS Max, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier Pro etc. all work absolutely fine without any issues but AutoCAD suffers the same issue. I am hoping someone else had had the same problem or knows where i can next look for a solution. My specs: AMD FX 8350 CPU (8 cores overclocked to 4.7Ghz) AMD radeon R9 270x 2gb dedicated RAM (this is a dedicated graphics card) 16GB Corsair DDR3 1333mhz ram both programs are running on an SSD (samsung 840 pro) ASUS TUF Sabertooth 990FX R2 motherboard Windows 10 2 screens @ 1080pi each. i would be hugely grateful to anyone who could shed some light on the problem. I am not sure how to track down if its a hardware issue or a software issue. Many thanks 402-102-B-GroundFloorPlan.vwx
  4. Currently using windows 7. Considering upgrade to windows 10. Should I upgrade?
  5. My background with VectorWorks is on the Mac platform. I have been experimenting a little with VW on Windows and am running into a problem. Items with a white fill print as all black, regardless of the printer driver selected and regardless of whether I have white or black VW background selected. I can work around this by creating a .pdf file from the Export menu and printing from that, but this adds a step to my workflow. I am running VW 2015 SP5 on Windows 10. I had the same problem with Windows 7. Some printers/drivers used have been Bluebeam Revu (.pdf), HP T120 and Canon iR 2525
  6. So this morning I spent some time this morning to do some performance boosting to my new computer, an Acer Aspire e 15. I have started to run Vectorworks and everything is running smoother, but the program is not crashing very frequently. It would crash every 15 min, and now when I'm trying to copy symbols and other objects, it crashes immediately. I'm not sure if this is something someone could fix due to the nature of this issue, but if anyone could assist in any way possible that would be fantastic. *UPDATE* It actually just crashes in the Top/Plan view. All of the other views it works fine in. Would anyone know the reason for this issue?
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