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Found 8 results

  1. Hi All, I was hoping someone could show me a way of replicating this in VW2017 using my own custom title blocks and NOT the VAA ones (that workflow is too convoluted and I'm not sure they can be customised). Revit has a Revision dialogue box that includes all revisions for the project (image 01). This dialogue also allows for revisions to have numbers or letters or none (for internal issues). It can also have clouds (linked to that revision number) to show or not show. Image 02 shows each sheet can have it's own set of revisions (based off of the revision database list in image 01). Image 03 shows the main drawing revision automatically updated to the latest revision from the revision list for that drawing. Image 04 shows Revision Clouds linked to a revision. Once a cloud is placed onto a sheet, that sheet automatically gets that revision placed in the revision list
  2. Hey Guys, I am having a severe issue with a particular project that I am working on that is going to have to lead me to redo a clean file from scratch, but I thought I would ask for help anyway. This model breaks when you add a slab to it. I have tried everything to isolate the issue but I cannot figure it out. Here is an image of it before adding a slab: And After: Nothing fixes it unless you delete the slab, but even then sometimes it just stays broken. When you copy it into a blank file it corrects itself. You also cannot see the Slab in 3D view, only in 2D. Then the whole file breaks down and many errors start occurring. Please let me know if you can fix this or if the problem is replicated on your computer. MESSED UP HOUSE.vwx MESSED UP HOUSE.vwx
  3. I am having issues with ConnectCAD numbering recognizing device names. I have the destination device name set as my condition but it doesn't see any of them. Have y'all had any luck with the numbering tools? At this point it's almost more trouble than its worth in my opinion. The end goal is to label cables based on plate names. IE: LAN on plate LPP01-116A would have a label of 116A-LN01. (LN = Lighting Network) ETH DMX on plate LPP01-116A would have a label of 116A-LX01 (LX Lighting DMX)
  4. Rendering locally on my computer would render fine but when rendering from the cloud, the image comes out mostly white. Is there a setting or something we're missing? It was previously working fine up until a few days ago and then realized I wasn't the only one with the issue. Using VW 2020. Below you can see rendered locally on the left and without changing any settings, the cloud render on the right.
  5. Hi All, Control over drawing issues and revisions has got better over the last few years with the Title Block Manager, particularly with 2019 making it less easy to accidentally add to 'all sheets', but there are still odd holes. In the instance shown in the below screenshot I would like to be able to remove/delete the highlighted 'T2' duplicate issue (which is not the last issue) without deleting all and re-adding them. I just want to click on the one in question, and click delete. Is there some reason this is technically difficult to achieve?? It seems like an obvious addition.. There are files we have where some of our staff accidentally issued 'all' before they got to grips with 2018 properly, which means we have a legacy issue of hundreds of these incorrect drawing issues which need removing.
  6. Hello, first time posting an issue on here. I'm having trouble with some ceiling grids; some are editable and some are not. I have no idea why. The ones I can't edit seem to have a different properties menu than the ones I can edit. anyone know what the deal is here? We don't use ceiling grids much. thanks, Allison
  7. Hi All, I am hoping that the ingenuity of this forums inhabitants can help me once again with some title block issues. We are using the automated title block coordination, and have made a custom title block which for the most part works very well. We are using 'Issue Numbers' (rather than 'Revision Numbers'), displayed twice on the title block. In one instance we want to show only the Latest issue number (this is essentially forming the sheets titles, which would be for instance AL(0)210.B1, the '.B1' being the current issue number). At the other instance we want to show All (or at least multiple) Issue numbers (this shows the various changes that have been made to the drawing over various past drawing issues). The attached screenshot shows it more clearly. Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?? Thanks! A
  8. Hi All, Hoping this is a straightforwards issue somebody can help me with. Trying to add new 'Issue' numbers to some sheets. I go in through the 'Title Block Manager', open the 'Issue Data' tab, and hit 'Add'. Good so far. I want to apply this issue data to several sheets in the file, but not all sheets. The options in the drop down list are: This Sheet Only All Active Sheets All Sheets Selected Files I think where I am missing something, is I'm not sure what 'Active Sheets' are. How do I choose which sheets are active? P.S. A personal frustration with this - please don't default it to 'All Sheets'! I have frequently intended to add to a couple of sheets, but accidentally left the defualt 'All Sheets' after already doing a couple of sheets - then ended up having to start again.
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