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Found 6 results

  1. I've been searching online to find an answer before posting here, but I can't figure out how to either adjust existing fence panels from the symbol libraries or create new panels for fences using fence tool. I'm trying to make a fence with 2x2 verticals like the fence in the photo. I thought there would be a way to adjust the vertical panels in existing symbols, but I can only adjust the frame and posts. thank you!
  2. Hi all, I was wondering if it's just me and my computer that has huge issues with the Railing/Fence tool performance, so when i want to create a new railing/fence i set up all the required settings without any issues, but when i get to the classes designation it goes so slow to change anything that it seems vectorworks just crashed. Another thing is i have a class (ex: Material-Aluminium) with the texture and all the correct settings and when i change let's say the 3D Post class to that and in the texture setting i go to by Class, usually doesn't pick up the texture in the class and i have to set it up manually and when i press the TEXTURE option, the VW goes super slow and takes ages to show the menu to choose the texture i want. Is there anything i can do to fix this? I'm using VW 2020 (latest update) Ryzen 7 2700x with a nvidia 1060 6gb ram and 32gb memory ram.
  3. Has anyone played with the idea of using the Fence tool to create lines of crowd control barricade? Would be interesting. Also possible might be adjusting the rope&Stanchion PIO? hmmmmm
  4. Hi there Im designing a deck and need posts with cables, a bit like the nautical effect, are there any resources for this or anywhere i can find, purchase or download. Please help....it pretty urgent
  5. I really like the new railing/fence tool. It is a dramatic improvement over the previous tool. With that said, one thing that could use fixing is the handling of corner posts. If you are using a square post, the tool automatically rotates the corner posts to mediate the angle of the corner, rather than realistically squaring up with either the entering line or the exiting line. This is not a realistic application. For example a fence/railing with square posts that jogs frequently at 90 degrees. The corner posts are all at 45 degrees to the entering/exiting lengths of fence. Another improvement to this tool would be the option to offset the posts from the panels. Often fences have posts on the inside or outside of panels and not directly centered in the line of the fence. The posts should serve as the center of the fence line, but the paneling should be able to be offset to one side or another. In this case, this should also better support the ability to create top, middle, and bottom rails to support an offset fence panel. Think basic vertical picket solid wood fence.
  6. We have been playing around with the new fence/railing tool and like that you can save as symbols to a custom location. It just so happens that custom location is only the USER folder. This is fine for personal storage, but in a large office, we need the ability to link this tool to a WORKGROUP folder as well. Of course, with the resource manager, custom symbols can be easily located in either location, but in the tool itself, it seems that the custom profiles are only loaded from a USER folder and not from a mirrored location in a WORKGROUP folder.
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