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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, Ever since the introduction of Apple's new File Provider we have been having lots of issues with Google Drive in our organization. New files were overwritten by old files, multiple file versions were created and version history disappeared among other things. I have been in touch with Google for quite a while, and they finally claim they have fully resolved the issue. The issue regarding version history however still exists. When you save a .vwx file, it seems that Vectorworks is first deleting the old version of that file, then saves a .swap file, and finally renames this .swap file to a .vwx file. So the original file is never overwritten but it actually gets removed, thus losing version history. This never seemed to be an issue with the old version of Google Drive, but with Apple's new file provider it is. I am now wondering: Is this an issue that is related to Vectorworks and its process regarding file saving, or is this still an issue due to Apple's new File Provider? And is there anybody else still suffering from issues with Google Drive?
  2. I noticed that Apple upgraded their iPad Pro line today and they are now running on the M1 chip. Does this mean that the new iPad Pro will run Vectorworks? Kevin
  3. hey guys, so i just got my hands on a 2013 Mac Pro(12-Core Intel Xeon, 2 FirePro D700 6 GB, and 64gb of ram) and my 2018 baseline macbook pro seems to out perform it... is there anyone still using a 2013 mac pro. Has VW just moved past hardware from 2013? i can never remember what part of the system VW uses the most. Does it help that the mac pro has 2 graphics cards? does the 12 core Xeon help or hurt it? does VW2020 prefer clock speed over core count? my main workflow is Spotlight and occasionally OpenGL/renderworks. thanks guys.
  4. Just read an interesting article about Apple ditching Intel in lieu of their own ARM chip, possibly as soon as 2020. Would that force Mac users to migrate to Windows, or would VW rewrite for ARM?
  5. Strange issue. I installed Vectorworks like always. I left the Vectorworks 2017 folder (fresh install, new computer) sitting in my 'user~Applications' folder. Thats the main, regular old applications folder. I went to download some online content via the resource browser. It failed. Gave me an error saying I don't have the permissions to change my Vectorworks 2017 folder. Selected the folder, hit CMD+i to get info. Sure enough, I have administrator rights to that folder. Read and Write. Called Apple support. Asked why I wouldn't be able to write to that folder. Stumped, the support guy got two senior engineers on chat. According to Apple, apparently, you can no longer set permissions on the Applications folder itself. I attempted to add myself with administrator rights to the Applications folder. It fails. Since the Vectorworks folder is INSIDE the Applications folder, I can no longer download things using the Resource Browser in this configuration. This seems insane to me. Anybody else seen this? My workaround is to just move my Vectorworks 2017 folder to someplace else. Any suggestions? They suggested the desktop, but that is such a mess I hate to leave full application folders sitting on there. Apparently the 'Can't set permissions on the Applications Folder' is a new development or 'un-documented feature' on Apples part. This worked fine back in January when I built this machine. I'm guessing one of the OS updates introduced this.
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