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C. Andrew Dunning

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Everything posted by C. Andrew Dunning

  1. Good morning! I'm attempting to use a script to reference an already-existing arc to place a path PIO. I'm having a problem getting dimensions from the saved/referenced arc. I've tried GetSegPt1 and HCenter - and GetArc and Get2DPt. The problem is that the PIO is seeing the referenced object as a group and is returning the same values for both the starting point and the arc center - though the start and sweep angles are accurate. Doing the math means that the resulting radius is 0. Do arcs not remain arcs when used as profiles? How can I get the script to "see" the arc correctly? Thanks! C. Andrew Dunning Landru Design - Nashville, TN - cad@landrudesign.com www.landrudesign.com
  2. I have a script that is being turned into a Path PIO. It (in theory) uses these 2 polylines to produce a Loft surface (after grouping them). The catch is that the Loft surface is not being created. In a Path object, shouldn't this work? In a "one-shot" script that does the above w/o creating a PIO, things work just fine. Thanks for any tips...
  3. Back w. ideas... Though not something that I need every day having a curved curtain tool was interesting enough that I posted a question to the VectorScript mailing list. Thanks to some pretty big "get me started" help from one of the other "listers," Eric Torola, I now have a basic Curved Curtain tool. Of yet, there is no error trapping and it is a one-time Arc -> Curtain "transformer" that lets the user set the pleat depth, pleat segment length, and overall height. If you're interested, I've got what we've done so far posted at: http://www.landrudesign.com/public/CurvedCurtain.txt. The next step is figuring out how to make this thing into a PIO, with a few adjustable parameters. As w. a number of other things regarding this idea that I've had to learn, this will be part of my learning curve, as well. I'm open to any ideas... Regards -
  4. I'd echo the need from the original post. Drawing "squiggly lines" is doable, but to get something that actually LOOKS like (and, is easily recognizable as) a curtain takes a good bit of time. Using an extrusion of a curve is a quick solution, but doesn't look like a curtain in either 2D or 3D. Again, it needs to be easily recognizable (and not look like just another line). When I've needed a curved curtain, I've exploded a curtain object and taken the first couple of curved and done a lot of radial copying. It takes an eternity, but looks good...
  5. Hugo - Though VW won't do it, if this is something you are needing, let me know the dimensions of the ellipse and I'd be happy to generate the arcs for you. I've got an old script for GeneriCADD that converts ellipses to their "approximations" using either 4 or 8 arcs.
  6. Jonathan - > If you have an industry series product then you will have it, if you have the basic VectorWorks then you will not. < From what I can tell, "If you have an industry series product EXCEPT SPOTLIGHT then you will have it" might be more accurate. Before I posted my other reply to you I did a little checking on-line and in the WorkSpace editor dialog. Not to be found. If CS 2 does indeed fix what seems to me to be a bug, it strikes me as a little odd that that fix isn't part of the "vanilla" VW.
  7. Jonathan - > do you have custom selection 2? < No. Wanna enlighten me?
  8. Good morning! Custom Selection needs fixing. It currently does not work when working within groups or when editing symbols. I don't know that it ever has worked at those times... Thanks!
  9. BG - Ahhh...Generic CAD... Now, there are pleasent words from the past... ;-) When I switched to VW, there were (and, still are) lots of "But Generic did this..." moments. I still keep 6.5.1 loaded on my machines. There are still a few things once-in-a-while I need to do that I can only do in GC w. some of the old scripts.
  10. > Autocad users who are vectorwork converts are always asking for pt2pt copy... < And for good reason. Though it is not always easy to explain the "whys" of these 2 tools, once used they quickly get put on the "But of course that's the way to do it" list. I remain a but surprised that they aren't "stock" fare in VW - though w. the ease of adding/using these scripts it really doesn't matter...
  11. Mike - I've been using "Option B" (as in the example you sent). It is somewhat of a work-around, but: - It is seldom practical to split up drawing geometry like that. For many projects I need to be working on the actual geometry as a whole. - Though I do rotate VPs from time to time, I've had occasional difficulty getting consitent results - especially in being able to predict how text will react. (Perhaps a second wish of VPs being more "aware" of being rotated?) I have seen the VectorBits Plug-In but am pretty leery about a tool that changes the actual drawing geometry. I've grown to like the way the Working Plane palette works and could see my wish being implemented in a similar way (or, as part of that tool). That's why I used that as a reference in my original post. In fact, before posting, I did try using that to rotate my view. Didn't work so well...
  12. I find myself wishing for this one a lot: The ability to rotate (and store) a working view (similar to changing Working Planes). I often work on projects where, for whatever reason, either all or a portion of the drawing has to be drawn at an angle that makes drawing somewhat challenging. Being able to rotate the view (not the geometry itself) would be quite welcome. Changing the grid angle is somewhat of a work-around, but does not quite fill the need.
  13. Originally posted by Ethan: > What does it do? < It toggles the visibility of the crop border of selected VPs. > I'm also finding it very time-consuming to turn labels on and off in Spotlight for printing, since I now have to click on EVERY SINGLE viewport in all 3 of my plates < You would really appreicate the ViewPort Pack @ www.panmzercad.com. It includes a View Manager that lets you do all of this for all of your Saved Views and ViewPorts from one window.
  14. Originally posted by Ethan: > I used to like to set up my viewport crops into a class so I could easily turn them on and off. > Have you seen the script below, from Vector Depot? {Patrick B. McConnell} PROCEDURE toggle; PROCEDURE doit(h : handle); VAR hVport : HANDLE; BEGIN hVport := GetVPCropObject(h); IF GetLS(hVport) = 0 THEN SetLS(hVport, 2); IF GetLW(hVPort) <> 0 THEN BEGIN {alrtDialog('Not zero');} SetLW(hVport, 0); END ELSE BEGIN { alrtDialog('Zero');} SetLW(hVport, 12); END; END; BEGIN ForEachObject(doit,((SEL=True) AND (T=122))); END; RUN(toggle);
  15. Matt - Here is another option for you: http://www.japan-net.ne.jp/~wats/SimpleMan/SimpleMan.html.
  16. Matt - Though this may be one of the freebies you didn't like, I have a mannequin posted at www.landrudesign.com/Downloads_Main.htm. It includes loci at the limb joints to "re-posing" it is relatively easy.
  17. quote: Originally posted by Kevin: If there is an easy way to add a prefix, that would be the way to go. Then my class menu would only show a single entry until I select it to see the sub-classes under it. Do a search for a couple of scripts: "RGM Class Prefix" and "RGM Class De-Prefix." They do what you're trying to do. A few weeks ago a similar discussion was had in another thread. I tried finding the original author of the scripts, but to no avail. I'm pretty-sure they were a give-away somewhere, but I'm not sure.
  18. Ok...ok...ok... Sarcasm aside, you are right. Relative to other SW, altering VW's interface is fairly easy. Perhaps I should have used the word "improvement" instead of "fix." The point that I was trying to make was that though the concept has been great, the actual implementation can sometimes be a bit tedious.
  19. As much as I appreciate being able to customize my workspaces, I would REALLY like to see that process made MUCH easier - specifically by being able to paste menu trees and blocks of tools from other WorkSpaces. My WS is a marriage between multiple others and contains tools from larger sets - some of which contain fairly extensive menus. Updating my WS w. changes/updates of those tools can be extremely time-consuming and I potentially miss items.
  20. FWIW, I simply use a custom workspace. Instead of having a 2D palette and a 3D palette, I have a "drawing" palette and an editing palette. The 2D and 3D versions of similar tools are stacked in single positions. Though that doesn't fully address the concern KQ raised, I've found that to be a much-improved way of working.
  21. > would it help to draw everything on design layers at 1:1, and adjust the desired and final scale with a viewport? < That's in essence the way that I work. For the past bunch of years my "working layer" has been left at the same scale - 3/8, I believe - for pretty-much all of my drawings. No deep reason for 3/8. It just worked best when I was getting started w. this system. All drawing plates for each drawing have simply referenced that layer at whatever scale I desired. Prior to ViewPorts I did it w. LayerLinks. Right now, my drawings use a single design layer, multiple sheet layers, and 130+ classes. Saved Views makes it all quite easy to manage.
  22. > Organize>Modify Layers & Classes. < What verion of VW is that menu item in? I'm running 11.5 and can't find it. The closest thing that I've seen to that is Panzer's Class Reassign and Delete script.
  23. Try this script to make your wish even easier to toggle... Procedure TogglePref; VAR PrefID:INTEGER; PrefStatus:BOOLEAN; BEGIN PrefID := 49; PrefStatus := GetPref(PrefID); SetPref(PrefID, NOT PrefStatus); Layer(GetLName(ActLayer)); {succeeds where ReDrawAll fails ****} END; Run(TogglePref);
  24. I'm glad that you found the help that you needed. I think you'll find that Panzer is a great resource.
  25. There is a pair of VW scripts floating around that does what you're wanting. They are "RGM Prefix Classes" and "RGM Deprefix Classes." I've got them, but don't remember who wrote them or where I got them. I'll be willing to share, but need to make sure they aren't part of someone's commercial script pack. (I've purchased a few of those over the years and can never keep sources straight.)
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