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  1. Hello, I've tried it and it's still empty. What I am trying to achieve is the same as the OP, link the Symbol definition records to the records of existing symbol instances. I've also followed the instructions by installing the script. But somehow nothing is showing up still. Do you have anymore tips?
  2. Hello, I am new to Vectorworks scripting. I've followed the instructions but the database still appears as blank. Can you help me see what's the issue? Thanks! @Pat Stanford
  3. In the database you can have a drop down menu if the record already contains one. How about in the spreadsheet part? Does it have the drop down menu option just like in Excel?
  4. This is what I've typed and nothing happened, I figured out I had to use a semi-colon. But when I tried to look up a whole column, again nothing is working. Is there a way to look up a whole column instead of using A1..A100? Because when I copy and paste the formula to the rows below, it changes to A2 - A101 and so on. Then other entries in the column will be missed out. Seems like the xlookup function in the vectorworks doesn't work as good as the excel one. Also, is there a way to look up the symbols in the worksheet column? When I was trying with this formula my Vectorworks just crashed.
  5. I am trying to look up values in another worksheet where it contains all the information. As a test, I have typed in the same formula as shown in the Vectorworks example, however nothing is happening... Function example (copied from vectorworks) =XLookup(value, [use_pattern], not_found_value, array_lookup, array_result) Find a value in the array_lookup, and return the value from the array_result at the found row. the arrays should be ranges on the same column. Parameters: value - the value that will be searched in 'array_lookup' (a range defined in a single column). use_pattern - use regular expression pattern for the search. not_found_value - the result if 'value' is not found array_lookup - a range defined in a single column to search the 'value' in array_result - a range defined in a single column to to provide the result from the row that the 'value' was found in 'array_lookup' =XLookup('tech', 'not found', 'Worksheet-Values':A1..A3, 'Worksheet-Result':B1..B3) Named worksheet: 'Worksheet-Values': | A -------------- 1 | support 2 | tech 3 | PR Named worksheet: 'Worksheet-Result': | A | B -----------|------------------------- 1 | 1234 | support@vectorworks.net 2 | 1235 | tech@vectorworks.net 3 | 1236 | PR@vectorworks.net
  6. Looks like problem still exists in 2023..
  7. Can you explain a bit how can to do this part in the Data Manager?
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