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  1. Hello Patrick, the file has symbols. They are in the accessories manager, not on the artboard. That is my challenge. Change the database of icons in the Accessory Manager without opening it.
  2. Thanks Pat for your answer, I set the formula via the line heading by right-clicking. Unfortunately, it is not. Can you please take a look at this. I am attaching an example file in which the symbols (in the accessories manager) have a database reference to the “Interiorcad Sales Info” database. It would be very important because I would have to change the database entries if there were a lot of symbols. Greetings Günther Sedlmeier Example database changing symbols.vwx
  3. Hello Tom W. I have already tried comma, this converts VW to point. A semicola produces an error message (see screenshot) (a bracket is missing that is not missing). The same with a space. I think it's not because of the separator. I'm a bit at a loss. Greetings Günther Sedlmeier
  4. Hello Pat, I did everything as stated, but no objects (that are only in the accessories) are displayed for me. What am I doing wrong? Sedlmeier Günther
  5. Hey DomC, how do I get the Node ResetBBox Greetings Günther SEdlmeier
  6. Hello, can someone tell me what is the marionetet command for Interiorcad "3D Macro" that the Node Set Record Field accepts. Sedlmeier Günther
  7. No it's not, I know users with other GPUs who have the same problem. E.g. Win 11, i9, RTX 3060 12GB Greetings Gunther
  8. Hello I have blurred wirelines in Vectorworks 2023. In 2022, the wirelines are still sharp. If you switch on the old model level, they also become active again. All graphics drivers are up to date. windows 10 Nvidia Quadro 2000 In Germany I have heard from several people that this occurs under Windows. Greetings Günther Sedlmeier
  9. Thanks Pat and thanks Josh for the answers. Sorry for the lack of information. Josh understood what I wanted. I can't do SDK programming. Is there no plug-in for 3D control items to download or buy? Similar to the rectangle plug-in. (But change in 3 D with the mouse) Attached to the attempt of a script to draw the furniture fronts. (Including joints) And the right screenshots. So far it works well. I just want the fronts e.g. like to edit with the mouse in the front view. And if possible, grab at the corner points (incl. Gap dimension) and push bigger and smaller. Thanks Günther Sedlmeier {Rahmentüre 3D von Günther} PROCEDURE Rahmentuere; {Variablen Festlgen} VAR LH,LB :Real; FrontB,FrontH :Real; FB,FUED,TD :Real; LinksUntenLichteX,LinksUntenLichteY :Real; LinksUntenFrontX,LinksUntenFrontY :Real; FFL,FFR,FFU,FFO :Real; objname,Front :STRING; glatt: Boolean; oh,rh,wh,H :HANDLE; BEGIN {vordefinierte Parameterwerte abrufen(Durch das Rechteck definiert} {result:= GetCustomObjectInfo(objname,oh,rh,wh);} IF GetCustomObjectInfo(objname,oh,rh,wh) then BEGIN {Wenn Objektinformationen erfolgreich abgerufen wurden} {IF result THEN BEGIN} {Vordefinierte Parameterwerte abrufen} {Boxwidth und Linelength= Türbreite und Höhe werden bei Abfrage nicht angezeigt, da sie mit den fixen Worten boxwidth und linelength über VW festgelegt sind} LH :=PBOXWIDTH; LB :=PLINELENGTH; {Benutzerdefinierte Objektinformationen abrufen} FB := PFriesbreite; FUED :=PFuellungsdicke; TD :=PTuerdicke; FFL :=PFrontfugeL; FFR :=PFrontfugeR; FFU :=PFrontfugeU; FFO :=PFrontfugeO; glatt:=Pglatt; {Nullpunkt Lichte festlegen} LinksUntenLichteX:=0; LinksUntenLichteY:=LH/2; {Front Nullpunkt festlgen} LinksUntenFrontX :=LinksUntenLichteX+FFL; LinksUntenFrontY :=-LinksUntenLichteY+FFU; {Frontbreite, Fronthöhe festlgen} FrontB:= LB-FFL-FFR; FrontH:= LH/2-FFU-FFO; {Macht jezt Tiefenörper auf Grundebene} If glatt then begin {Macht glatte Türe} BeginXtrd (0 , TD); Rect(LinksUntenFrontX,LinksUntenFrontY,LinksUntenFrontX+FrontB,FrontH); EndXtrd ; end {In IF then Else schleife kein ; bei end)} Else begin {Macht Rahmentüren} BeginXtrd (0 , TD); {Versuch einfach 2. Rechteck für 2. Tiefenkörper} {Linkes senrechtes Fries} Rect(LinksUntenFrontX,LinksUntenFrontY,LinksUntenFrontX+FB,FrontH); {Rechtes Fries senrechtes Fries} Rect(LinksUntenFrontX+FrontB-FB,LinksUntenFrontY,LinksUntenFrontX+FrontB,FrontH); {Unteres Fries waagrechtes Fries} Rect(LinksUntenFrontX+FB,LinksUntenFrontY,LinksUntenFrontX+FrontB-FB,LinksUntenFrontY+FB); {Oberes Fries waagrechtes Fries} Rect(LinksUntenFrontX+FB,FrontH-FB,LinksUntenFrontX+FrontB-FB,FrontH); EndXtrd ; Ungroup ; BeginXtrd (0 , FUED); {Füllung} Rect(LinksUntenFrontX+FB,LinksUntenFrontY+FB,LinksUntenFrontX+FrontB-FB,FrontH-FB); End; End; End; Run(Rahmentuere);
  10. Hello, I have written a vector script that creates several depth bodies. About the Rectangle Intelligent Object. Is it possible to deform the object witj the mouse in 3D? This works well in the 2D plan, but e.g. it doesn't work from the front. Greetings Günther Sedlmeier
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