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Everything posted by jpccrodrigues

  1. Hi guys, In Portugal, the local entities (responsible for the licensing processes) follow a common procedure where the drawn elements are delivered in dwfx file with digital signature. We always have major problems with these files. The direct publish from VW to dwf never come as expected and I'm never able to add the digital signature to it... What I have to do is to export to dwg file with all the sheets, edit all the layouts pages, export them in autocad, then sign the file. Your can imagine a file with 60 sheets... The time lost with that is crazy!!! Any work around? It's so frustrating...
  2. Didn't try it, but do the following procedure : 1.Landscape area 2. Ungroup (Crtl + U) 3. Select them and Ctrl + K You should get the plant objects isolated. If you want to group them in a single plant object, select with select similar and change plant grouping (right click on the mouse). Give it a try and I'll try it when I can as well
  3. Don't get me wrong, I do my planting schemes by hand as well. That doen't mean that Vectorworks should look to the side when we have other softwares starting to develop this area, that could become a massive help for everyone (I tend to look to Olin LA as a very innovative studio and if they are onto this, maybe we should loose some time to understand its potential). On pavements, it would be great to have "pipelined" a way to transform images to patterns to hardscapes (it can already be done in Marionette:
  4. Three recommendations: 1 - Put all info concerning the site model in the same layer. There are ways to go around this rule, but it's the easiest way. 2 - Include a grade limit for your site model. If you don't do it, you'll always get a strange modelation. 3 . If you use locus points or 3d polys to model, put them in the class Site-DTM-Modifier. It's a special class that can receive non parametric object to model site models. Regards, Cazoña2_v2021_v2019.vwx
  5. Parametric planting workflow: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Plant-Kit-Z1qWftND7c5oATCRVEnXG
  6. That would be great!!! Parametric planting scheme, I just can imagine it
  7. Hi guys, What do you think about this new technological solution for our area? The guy that developed it worked at Olin LA and now released these products. I think it's a huge development for parametric design in LA. We need to start doing some lobbying to allow its usage in VW!!
  8. Hi, You either edit your site model crop or you add some 3d loci in the recreate from site model source tool. It should work out
  9. Problem solved by our local supplier. It was an interference with another local plug in. Thank you very much for your help!!!
  10. Installed new SP2, tried both of your suggestions, no changes...
  11. @bgoff I have it on the list, but no parameters inside: Restarted and no changes.
  12. It seems that I might have a problem with this. Trying to see you DV script: Cannot edit or even open it. Any clue about this? Thanks!!!
  13. Hi guys, Just to update. The IT guys had left all the pcs with "User" as its user names, so the project sharing procedure wasn't able to differentiate the users. Change them, everything running smoothly. Thanks.
  14. Hi guys, Just to update. The IT guys had left all the pcs with "User" as its user names, so the project sharing procedure wasn't able to differentiate the users. Change them, everything running smoothly. Thanks.
  15. Hi guys, good morning, I've been trying the data visualization tool on planting and irrigation. Do you have any experience with DV in pipes? My idea is to create a DV to represent with different colors the pipes according to its nominal size (2" blue, 1" red, 1/2" green, for example) or its calculated velocity (red over 1,52 m/s). The thing is that I'm not being able to reach those record data. None at all, to be fair, concerning pipes. Did someone had the same problem? Any workaround? I upload my "test file" so you can take a look. Thanks!!! Untitled1.vwx
  16. Hi guys, I'm trying to setup the project sharing procedure in our office. We have three windows-based licenses of vectorworks 2021. So, we are able to install the project sharing server (always at the same folder from our local NAS), create the master file and create the first (admin) working file. Or problem starts here. When we open the master file in the other two pcs, it keeps opening as admin, not creating the new users... How do we establish them? And how do I differentiate them? We feel like it is a massive tool, but we're struggling... Thanks!!!
  17. Hi guys, I'm trying to setup the project sharing procedure in our office. We have three windows-based licenses of vectorworks 2021. So, we are able to install the project sharing server (always at the same folder from our local NAS), create the master file and create the first (admin) working file. Or problem starts here. When we open the master file in the other two pcs, it keeps opening as admin, not creating the new users... How do we establish them? And how do I differentiate them? We feel like it is a massive tool, but we're struggling... Thanks!!!
  18. Use the pad of the architecture footprint as an Existing condition (prior to the landscape architecture plan). In that way, that earthwork won't count
  19. https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Land-Kit-BETA-R9DujKA3zEYp69LBbOjbq Talking about logarithmic design, this is the direction that VW should look at!!! Really makes me consider start learning a new software https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.ec3def206059f4eae13c2385248ab72b&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f1AhNXmfWcHnfq%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=pFLrEQLMUvjQm0dyb4U7RFvNbT8549QxTAx3T6VJr0w%3d
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