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Posts posted by line-weight

  1. There's rather a lot of "dressing" of drawings used in marketing material, I think.


    There are drawings I see in material accompanying new releases and think "oh we can do that easily, now - great" but then it turns out that actually, no, it's just the same as before: we can't produce something that looks like that without a lot of fiddling around and manual intervention.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Matt Overton said:

    Co-ordinated by hand so they remain a significant legal liability of the current system.


    To me Vectorworks isn't BIM till I can define grid lines in one place and have them appear everywhere I need them to.

    This comment applies to vertical grids (Storey Levels)  and other organising plan lines like boundaries as well.

    I agree.


    It's weird that seemingly basic, universally useful things like this remain completely absent, whilst specialised and to me somewhat obscure extra features are touted in new releases of the software.


    Surely a working 3D grid would be useful to a wider portion of VW users than an irrigation tool is, for example.

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  3. I've just tried reinstalling the drivers too - but no luck.


    It's only really noticeable when zoomed in quite close to something - and the closer you are the more unusable it is. Do you have smooth movement even when you're zoomed in close to something?


    I have my drawing set up in millimetres and when I have, say, 100-200mm in my field of view it's an issue. I can post a video if it would help.

  4. In attempting to get usable floorplans out of a model, I've been trying to have as much as possible as standard objects eg walls, doors, etc, and the remainder modelled directly and converted to autohybrids. My conclusion is similar, the autohybrids are too restrictive to be really useful. It's especially a pain when you want to edit stuff. Now I'm going to try a different approach where my floorplans are made from 2 viewports, one a standard top/plan view and the other a horizontal section through the whole thing, cropped as necessary. Then effectively, that viewport is a kind of autohybrid for the whole thing which can contain groups and so on and the model can then be organised in a way that's easier to keep control of when editing.

  5. I've just installed SP1. Have also restarted the computer, etc.


    But I'm still having the same problem I describe in the OP. It's not like what Art V describes - it's not an intermittent problem. It's consistently the case that the minimum speed of movement is set at a speed that makes using the 3d mouse uncomfortable and difficult when working close up to objects. It's a problem on the axes I mention in the OP; on the other axes it's ok.


    @JimWis this something you can help with at all?

  6. In the advanced properties for section viewports I can choose, under "attributes" tab then under "merged cross sections", "create structural and nonstructural groups".


    This sounds potentially useful, as sometimes I want a generally merged section plane, but perhaps picking out significant structural elements that are buried in floor or wall buildups.


    But how do I define what's structural and nonstructural? Can I assign certain classes to be one or the other?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Alan Woodwell said:

    This all works well but best used in the viewport. You have to have 3 classes set up with belo, section and above. Then in the auto hybrid OIP set them to use the classes and save it as the default.

    will post a file example soon

    autohybrid is great

    That's exactly what I'm doing.

    It's not the below/section/above linetypes that are the problem.

    It's the hidden lines within the "below" part that don't work. All explained above.


  8. As an aside, I don't see why the hidden line style should be from a dropdown of fixed options - should be able to set it by class, so that I can have it apply my global "hidden line" type that I have a class for. Like all the other linetypes one can choose within the autohybrid controls.



  9. I want to show dashed hidden lines for hidden parts of objects below the cutting plane.


    In autohybrid "2d appearance" control, "below cut plane" settings, under "pen" I tick "dashed hidden line" and choose a dashed line type from the dropdown list.


    The hidden lines then become shown in top/plan view, but are drawn as solid lines, not dashed, regardless of which of the dashed line types I choose.


    Am I doing something stupid?


    (Thought this might be a 2017 thing but have checked and same happens in 2016)

  10. I have a 3dconnexion device which was working completely fine in VW2016. Nice smooth motion in all directions. I used walkthrough navigation pretty much all the time.


    In VW2017 walkthrough navigation seems to have disappeared so am using "Helicopter" as that seems the most similar.


    But especially when working close-up the motion is jerky. A bit of fiddling around reveals that this is because the speed of motion, as I gradually push on the joystick, doesn't start from 0 and ramp up smoothly as it does in VW2106. It seems to start suddenly at a certain low speed. This isn't so noticeable when zoomed out from the model, but working on any kind of detail it is - jumping around the place because the lightest touch on the joystick starts it off at a pace. There is no fine control.


    It doesn't seem to be a problem on all axes. Rotating left and right is ok, as is tilting up and down. But sideways left/right, vertical up/down and movement forwards/backwards have the problem.


    I've tried fiddling around with the settings in the 3Dconnexion control panel (threshold, speed etc) but no luck. It still happens with the speed set to the lowest possible.


    This is becoming enough of an issue that I might have to move back to 2016.


    (By the way I was initially using a "Vectorworks 2016" configuration in the 3D connexion control panel. That seemed to work for both 2016 and 2017. I tried deleting this and adding a "Vectorworks 2017" configuration. But doesn't seem to change anything - 2016 and 2017 both seem to work from this. I also updated to latest version of 3Dconnexion driver, 10.4.1)


    I'm on a mac, El Capitan


    Using a 3dconnexion Spacepilot (it's an old model, buttons are not expected to work but the joystick is supposed to be fully supported)

  11. 5 hours ago, Thomas Wagensommerer said:


    Yes! "Autohybrid" should be an additional feature of a symbol, not a separate object.


    It would be useful to have it as a feature of a symbol (which has to have its own origin by definition).


    But it would still be useful to have a standalone version of an autohybrid, that didn't have its own origin. More like a special type of group.

  12. Have been drawn to this thread by being quoted above.


    Agree that having elements that can span several layers/stories and show up on the floorplan for each would solve a lot of problems.


    I also think that plans should be generated as horizontal section. Top/plan view is a mess. I made a thread about that here:


    Meanwhile I am going to check out that plugin...

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