Yes I have - simple plan drawn at 1/8" scale, prints on small hp printer, checked both prints with architects scale - one dimensions dead on (fractions/decimals) the other dimensions and drawing about 4 inches off when check by architects scale. Damned if I know why there is a difference in the printed output. How do I do a bug submit?
I noticed that when units are set to "fractional" the printed output is always a little larger in scale then the dimensions show, however, when units are set to "exact as fractions/non-exact as decimals" the printed output matches the dimensions (when checked with an architects scale). In both cases the dimensions on screen match the drawing and are identical.
I do not understand why this happens, can anyone explain this behavior to me?
I jumped to VW2010 from 8.5 and although I do not intend to convert all of my old job files to the new version, I did have to convert some which were in progress when I bought the new version. Here is what I do:
Right click on the 8.5 file's icon, you should see "open with" appear in the pop-up contextual menu.
Select VW11 or type it in for program selection.
It should launch VW11 with a note saying the file will be converted to the newer version and then open the file.
I would try this on a copy of the VW 8.5 file first.
That version, for some reason, works just like the window tool in 2010; you have to change views then convert copy to lines to get the elevation to "stay".
I though with earlier versions of VW it did indeed draw 2D parametric window elevations only but I did download it and alas, just like the current window tool in VWA2010.
Years ago when using VWA1 I downloaded a tool to just draw simple 2D window elevation views, with parametric settings to change type, sizes, etc. This tool saved lots of time when doing only 2D drafting. Now using 2010 I wish I had such a tool for the same reasons as before but can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone know if such a tool updated for 2010 exists?
Probably the cable you are using does not support bi-directional communications between the plotter and computer. The only solution that I know of is X-Rip and cable from Macro Enter. $350 for both; supports the 330, 430, + older & newer Designjets under 10.6x. I also have a 330 and this is the route I will be going as the 330 has been refurbished by a local HP shop and is in excellent condition and ink carts are very available. Using an Epson Workforce 1100 for 13" x 19" prints now ($149.95 special price from Eponstore.com)
The 2010 training DVD has a little of everything, indluding fundamentals and spotlight,I believe, as well as taking one through a small project - similar to the 2009 VWA traianing dvd I suppose. Funny thing, I also received the 2009 training dvd which would not run under SN.
Is it possible to import a jpeg digital photo of carpet into renderworks and use it as a flooring material in a room rendering. If so, exactly how - new to renderworks.
FWIW Macro Enter's X-Rip software supports the 430 and earlier 330, is updated for 10.6 and can be purchased with the necessary parallel to USB cable. This will let me continue to use the 430 for B&w output and my HP8750 for 13 x 19 color stuff. SL has the necessary driver and I got the printer for free.
How is your 430 connected to your computer. I have a 430 and IMac but the 430 has a parallel port and the Mac has USB so I need a USB to parallel cable - any recommendations?
Pressing "C" then marquee the area to be zoomed in on works fine, I also found the marquee zoom tool on the basic tool palette so I'm a happy camper, for now. Is there a way to keep some tool sets open all the time without creating a new workspace?
In VW 8.5, Architect 1, there was an icon at the top, similar to the 2010 zoom position that represented a "window" zoom. Click on it, window a portion of the drawing and that portion was enlarged to fit the screen. There was another icon on the bottom which you clicked to return you to the screen view before the zoom (previous view). I can't seem to find these two features (icons) in 2010 and I wonder if they are still there in another form or were they eliminated in a previous version. For the old timers out there I believe Minicad had the same features.
OK I just upgraded to VWA 2010 from 8.5, new computer, OS, the works. I started playing around with 2010 just to feel my way around what has changed since 8.5. (LOTS!!)before starting the training DVD's. This may be a stupid question but what happened to the "zoom window" command? If its there I can't seem to find it. If its gone I will really miss it, I'm probally just not seeing it.
I am not familar with this tool, being several versions behind.
Perhaps you can demonstrate its use when our CT users group has a live hook-up with you later this month, not sure of the date.