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Everything posted by Kizza

  1. Kizza


    Looks like Revit 2015 is here Building Design Suite This is all I can find so far, more details will emerge no doubt. I particularly like this: EDIT: Autocad LT for mac is now available.
  2. Kizza


    Problem with that approach is that we'd get even further behind... We've been talking mainly of adding 64 bit compatibility, not to mention fixing up existing PIO's and adding new features that have been long requested. They just have to throw more people at it. Simple as that. Or sell it to someone who will take it into the 21st century.
  3. Kizza


    I'm in the process now of porting over to Windows 7 (from my aging imac). It's actually been a liberating process for a number of reasons. As I've mentioned before, I'm watching with interest at what Autodesk will offer with LT 2015. Thing is, based on prior history, it seems to take a year for new versions to become stable. Look at VW2014 for example. I won't be parting with any of my dollars to Nemetschek anytime soon.
  4. Both fonts I use are the narrow variants.
  5. Kizza


    Where's the "whats changed/fixed" info for SP3? It's not on the download page
  6. I use Graphite also. When I want a more "serious" look another favourite of mine is Frutiger.
  7. Hope improved performance as a result of the OOM fix is not touted as a new "feature"
  8. No-one? Maybe just select a number then. 1) a forum hot potato 2) speechless because of the high level of service 3) nothing to report i.e. no response from NVW 4) none of my business
  9. Didn't know it had changed in recent versions.. Apologise bch you had stated your VW version in your post..
  10. Don't know what version you're using but try this...
  11. I would like it if, when running a 30 day demo version of VW (for the purpose of trying out new features, testing out file updating etc) that on expiry the demo version will still run (save and print disabled) in a type of viewer mode. At present, VW doesn't even launch after the 30 day trial period. 30 days goes very quickly and I've barely scratched the surface with my evaluation of VW 2014. With Save/Print disabled I can still evaluate specific workflows. Revit runs in Viewer mode (save/print disabled) after 30 days and so does Autocad and Archicad...
  12. In that case then the most appropriate way to deal with it would be via an option that can be toggled on/off. Those that have paid for the latest shouldn't have useful features stripped for the sake of those running older hardware. Or is the Clip Cube due to be removed for the exact same reason?
  13. A genuine question to all those who have had issues and have submitted files to Nemetschek via this board (usually via JimW): Have you received feedback for your submittal and have you generally been happy with the responses? Why do I ask? because my self imposed deadline is fast approaching and I would like to know if the leopard is changing it's spots or is the request for files to be submitted like a black hole for all those niggling issues.. Self imposed deadline...
  14. OK, thanks, will follow this with interest. It's just that the above explanation doesn't seem plausible. I've not noticed a performance hit in my viewports when entering VP annotations. Ever. (and I'll be vocal if I did ) Does VW scan all objects in the viewport (including those on the design layer) or is it intelligent enough to only look for and highlight annotations in the viewport? It'll be interesting to hear from those who may do more complex drawings if they've noticed a slowdown...
  15. Thanks for the explanation but I still fail to see how text, callouts and some hatched objects (which is mainly what I use VP Annotations for) taxes the available graphic resources in VW that significantly for highlighting to be removed. I don't have VW2014 but I would DEFINITELY miss annotation highlighting. It's the main way for me to tell what's in the VP and what's on the design layer. Or is this related to VW not being 64bit and is a case of robbing Peter to give to Paul at a system resource level?
  16. Are you saying that a bit of TEXT in a viewport (or perhaps some objects with hatching) can SIGNIFICANTLY reduce VW performance???
  17. Some of SBG's arguments are valid. It's the repetitive nature and the blunt delivery I find the most tiresome. Maybe a bit less "data" and more "presentation" is required in forum participation SBG?
  18. OK think I have this sorted. Decimal Precision refers to how many decimals are shown after the whole number i.e. a precision value of .001 means that a number say 700.256894 will be shortened to 700.256 in the OIP. Decimal Rounding Base controls how this precision is rounded up (or down) Dimension Object precision refers to how many decimals you would like to show after the whole number in the dimension. Dimension Rounding Base again controls how the Dimension Object precision is rounded up (or down) What does this mean for architects? You probably want to be able to input whole numbers to the value of 1 (with no rounding). This keeps everything accurate and the tape measure tool displays the value as entered. When dimensioning though, the convention is for the dimension to be rounded up or down to the nearest zero or 5. For this to happen correctly within Vectorworks, the settings required are attached below. The attached settings are summarised as: Decimal Precision = 1 - no decimals are displayed in OIP or tape measure tool. Dimension Object Precision = 5 - again shows that no decimals will be considered in the dimension string (the 5 represents and is linked to the chosen Dimension Rounding Base value) Decimal Rounding base = 1 - Determines how the decimal number is to be rounded. In this case the number will be rounded to the nearest whole number. Dimension Rounding base = 5 - the value of 5 will round the dimension value up or down to the nearest 5 or 0.
  19. Think you're right. Tinkering with Standard Naming may be opening a can of worms...
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